Defining and starting the XBM started task

XBM started tasks are initialized by submitting the started-task procedure. More than one XBM subsystem can be started by using single or multiple procedure members.

To create an XBM procedure in your system library

  1. Copy the XBM PROC from the install HLQ.JCL to your system PROCLIB (where HLQ is the high-level qualifier you specified during installation).
  2. Edit the PROC parameters as desired. You do not need to change the parameters before you start XBM for the first time.

    The following figure shows an example of the JCL for the procedure.

       //XBM         PROC CONFIG='*',MS=,XBMGRP=,SYS=,XSSI=                   
    //*           (C)COPYRIGHT 1993 - 2013 BMC SOFTWARE
    //*           AS AN UNPUBLISHED WORK.          
    //XBM         EXEC PGM=XBMXMAIN,REGION=0M,TIME=1440,                     
    //            PARM=('CONFIG=&CONFIG MS=&MS ',                 
    //            ' XBMGROUP=&XBMGRP SYS=&SYS SSI=&XSSI')                    
    //STEPLIB     DD DISP=SHR,DSN=hlq.XBMLINK           (xbm/Solution loadlib)
    //            DD DISP=SHR,DSN=hlq.BBLINK            (BMC Security modules)
    //BMCPSWD     DD DISP=SHR,DSN=securityLibraryName   (if used for auth)   
    //SYSPRINT    DD SYSOUT=*,DCB=RECFM=VA                                   
    //PROIGN      DD DUMMY
    //X37IGN      DD DUMMY 
    //XBMXTASK    DD DISP=SHR,DSN=yourlib.SVAA(OR IXFP).SIBLINK              
    //            DD DISP=SHR,DSN=yourlib.SVAA(OR IXFP).SIBLOAD              
    //            DD DISP=SHR,DSN=yourlib.SVAA(OR IXFP).STKLOAD              
    //XBMREP01    DD DISP=SHR,DSN=hlq.VSAM.XBMREP01                          


    You must specify the location of the modules for security password checking and for authorization:

    • You must include the location of the security modules in the XBM STEPLIB or the linklist. The security modules are typically located in the XBM.BBLINK library.

    • You can specify the location of the authorization modules by either including them in an XBM STEPLIB library or in the LINKLIST, or by using the BMCPSWD DD statement and including them in the specified library.

  3. Submit the JCL to start the XBM subsystem.

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