This documentation supports the 22.1 version of BMC Helix ITSM: Smart IT. To view an earlier version, select the version from the Product version menu.

The documentation for BMC Helix ITSM 23.3.00 has changed. To understand the changed documentation structure see, Where did the Smart IT documentation go? Open link  

Changing ticket status in Smart IT

The status shows what stage the ticket is at in its lifecycle. By updating this field when you: begin to work on a ticket, resolve the ticket, and so on, you ensure that the system keeps the applicable Service Level Agreements (SLAs) up-to-date (you can look at the SLA Progress Bar at the top of the ticket to see the current status of the SLA). For example, some SLAs can be configured to stop the clock if you change the Status to Pending, while with other SLAs, the clock continues to run until you change the status to Resolved or Closed.

In addition to keeping the SLAs up-to-date, updating the status is an important part of keeping the customer informed about what is happening with the request and for keeping your personal and group service statistics current. For example, if a ticket is cancelled, it's important to move the status to Cancelled so that the system does not continue to include it in your personal and group statistics and to ensure that the applicable SLA does not appear to be breached.

Related topics
Learning about Incident Management Open link

Work order status transitions Open link

Overview of service requests Open link

Managing your work in Smart IT consoles (update ticket status in bulk)

Configuring incident rules Open link

Reviewing and changing the status of incident requests Open link

Stages of a change request Open link

You cannot change the status of a ticket in certain situations. For example, you cannot change the status of an incident that is Closed. Only the status values for appropriate status transitions are displayed. For example, you cannot change the status of a work order from Rejected to In Progress. You cannot manually change the status of a service request ticket, except to cancel it.

To change the status

  1. From ticket details, open the status for editing:
    • (Universal client) Click the status value near the top of the ticket.
    • (Android devices) Tap the menu (three dots symbol), and then tap Edit.
    • (iOS devices) Tap Actions, and then tap Edit.
  2. Select the new status value from the list.
    For change requests, you can select a status from the list, or you can use buttons to set the next or previous status. For example, use the Set Next Status button (mobile clients) or Next button (universal client) to let the system select the next possible status value.
  3. Complete any other necessary fields.
    See the following tables for possible fields you need to update, depending on type of ticket.
  4. Click or tap Save.

The following tables list the statuses that are available.

Statuses for incidents

Incident status


AssignedChange to this status after the incident is assigned to a support group or individual for action, but before work begins on the incident.
CancelledChange to this status if work on the incident is cancelled.
ClosedChange to this status when the affected customer verifies the resolution (depending on how the system is configured, it can auto close incident tickets if the customer has not verified the resolution after a specified length of time).
In ProgressChange to this status when you begin work on the incident.
NewThis status is the default assignment value for all newly created incidents, before they are assigned to a support group or individual for action.
PendingChange to this status when you must wait for another action to take place before you can start or resume work on the incident (some SLAs can be configured to pause the clock while the incident is in the pending state).

Change to this status when you have resolved the incident.

Also, provide entries for the following categorization fields:

  • Status Reason
  • Resolution Note—The Resolution Note is displayed as a tooltip in the ticket header after saving the ticket.

The Operational Category and Product Category fields are also displayed on the panel. You can update all of the categorization fields when changing the status.


The Reopen button appears if an incident is in Closed status. If an incident is closed and you click Reopen, a new incident ticket is created and it relates the existing closed incident.

In Progressive Web App incident screens, you can reopen an incident that is in Closed or Cancelled status. To be able reopen incidents in PWA screens, you must have the Incident Master permission or the Incident User permission with the functional role of Support Group Manager or Support Group Lead for the assigned group.

If you click Reopen on a closed or canceled incident, the reopened incident opens in the draft mode, which is related to the existing incident. All information from the closed or canceled ticket is carried over to the reopened ticket except for the Contact field.

A new related item is created in the Related items tab to indicate the relationship between the reopened and closed incident. This related item cannot be deleted.

Statuses for problem investigations

The problem investigation status has the following values and transitions:

DraftThis status is set by default when you create a new problem investigation.
Under Review

Set this status when a problem investigation is under review.


Set this status when you assign a problem investigation to a group or an individual. 

Under Investigation

Set this status when you start the root cause analysis of a problem investigation.


Set this status when you cannot continue with your root cause analysis due to a dependency on some other event or individual.

Also, set an appropriate status reason:

  • Automated Resolution Reported—The problem coordinator received an automated report that the problem investigation is resolved, which needs verification.
  • Client Action Required—The problem investigation is in pending status because it depends on a client action.
  • Client Hold—The problem investigation was created from an incident request, and the client informed the service desk to temporarily stop working on the incident request. 
  • Future Enhancement—The problem investigation requires a future enhancement. For example, a new feature should be added to the software application.
  • Infrastructure Change—The problem investigation requires an infrastructure change.
  • Local Site Action Required—Some action needs to be taken at the location where the problem occurred.
  • Monitoring Problem—The problem must be analyzed before the problem investigation moves to the next status.
  • Pending Original Problem—The problem investigation is a duplication of another problem investigation. It can be closed only after the original problem investigation is closed.
  • Purchase Order Approval—The problem investigation requires a purchase order approval before proceeding.
  • Registration Approval—The problem investigation requires approval from another department before proceeding.
  • Request—The problem investigation requires the support of a third party before proceeding.
  • Supplier Delivery—The problem investigation requires a delivery from a supplier before proceeding.
  • Support Contact Hold—The help desk agent assigned to the problem investigation is working on another problem investigation now. Alternatively, the help desk agent is awaiting response from a team member in a second- or third-tier support group.
  • Third Party Vendor Action Reqd—The problem investigation requires an action from a third-party vendor before proceeding.

Set this status after you complete the root cause analysis.

Also, set the required status reason:

  • Enhancement Request—The problem investigation requires a future enhancement to permanently resolve the problem.
  • Known Error—The problem investigation has been completed with a temporary solution.
  • Unresolvable—The problem investigation cannot be resolved.

Set this status after you review the root cause analysis.

The problem investigation moves automatically to Closed status if it is not closed for a predefined period.


Set this status when the problem investigation is not valid anymore or is a duplicate of the current investigation.

Also, set the required status reason:

  • Duplicate Investigation—Another problem investigation for a similar problem.

Statuses for known errors

The known error status has the following values and transitions:

AssignedThis status is set by default when you create a new known error. You can assign a known error to a support group or individual.
Scheduled For Correction

Set this status when a known error is pending due to an infrastructure change or has a dependency on a vendor.

Also, set the required status reason:

  • Pending Infrastructure Change
  • Pending Third Party Vendor
Assigned to Vendor

Set this status when you want the support of a third-party vendor to resolve a known error.

No Action Planned

Set this status when you cannot address the known error.

Also, set the required status reason:

  • Funding Not available—The known error is on hold due to unavailability of funds.

Set this status when you have corrected a known error, but it needs to be reviewed.

Also, set the required status reason:

  • Pending PIR—The known error has been corrected, and it is ready for review.

Set this status when you want to close a known error.


Set this status when a known error is not valid anymore or if it is a duplicate of a current investigation.

Also, set an appropriate status reason:

  • Duplicate
  • No Longer Applicable

Statuses for change requests

The change request status has the following values and transitions:

Status value



This is the initial state that represents a change request that is still being filled in or worked on. The change records in this state are not considered to be active.

We recommend that you set the state of the change request to Draft when you create the change request from scratch (and not from another request type).

Request For Authorization

This state represents a change request that is pending a change reviewer approval and is the first state that represents an active change request.

Request For Change

This state represents a change request that is pending a Business Approval.

Planning In Progress

This state represents a change request that is in the final update status.

Scheduled For Review

This state represents a change request that is being reviewed by the Change Manager Group, if it is not skipped within the change rules.

Scheduled For Approval

This state represents a change request that is pending the implementation approval.


This state represents a change request that has been approved for implementation, but the implementation has not started.

Implementation In Progress

This state represents a change request where the implementation is underway.


This state represents a change request that is pending for a specific reason, as stated in the Status Reason field.


This state represents a change request that has been rejected from an approval process.


This state represents a change request where the implementation is done, but the final review of the request is still required.


This is a terminal state that represents that the change request was completed and that the request has gone through a final review.


This state represents a change request that has been cancelled.

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