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Adding dynamic menu fields to Smart IT views

In Smart IT, an administrator can add one or more dynamic menu fields that have menus associated with them in BMC Remedy IT Service Management (BMC Remedy ITSM). You can configure menu fields on the universal client, using the Screen Configuration option. At run time, these menus will be available on all clients. These menu fields are dependent menus such as, Owner Support CompanyOwner Support OrganizationOwner Group, and Owner. Dependent fields are part of the BMC Remedy ITSM menu qualification. The Smart IT server requires these fields to expand a menu and fetch menu items. Therefore, you must ensure that these fields are available in Smart IT.

Using the Populate value with different field option, you can configure a menu that has a different label and value from one another (as part of the BMC Remedy ITSM menu definition), where the value is stored in another field. You select this option only when a field has a menu associated with it in BMC Remedy ITSM.


 Before adding dynamic menu fields to Smart IT, review the prerequisites for adding custom fields to your views using Smart IT. See "Adding custom fields to your views using Smart IT" in Related topics.

Adding a single menu field

  1. From the Configuration menu, select Screen Configuration.
  2. In the Configuration window, select an area in a Smart IT view. For example, select Record Summary in the Incident view.
  3. Under Available Fields, click the Add (+) icon for a menu field you want to add. 
    The menu field is then displayed under Selected Fields.
  4. Expand the CI list to display options and dependent menu fields.

    To add the CI field, all dependent fields must be available in Smart IT. Dependent fields are displayed in the menu qualification that is configured in ITSM. In this example, the z1D_Local_DataSetID and Person ID fields are not available in Smart IT. The following table provides more information about dependent menu fields marked with  and icons.


    The field is missing from BMC Remedy Action Request System (BMC Remedy AR System) forms and hence not configured in Smart IT. Hover over the icon to view the name of the form from which the field is missing. You must add the missing field to the form and make it available in Smart IT. For more information, see "Adding custom fields to your views using Smart IT" in Related topics.

    A field available in BMC Remedy AR System forms, and also configured in Smart IT.
  5. The CI menu field has a menu associated with it in BMC Remedy ITSM. To know which field to select in the text box under Populate value with different field, you must look for the menu definition in the BMC Remedy Developer Studio. On the HPD:HelpDesk form, the HPD:CustomerCIwithoutBusinessServicemenu is associated with the CI menu fieldIn the HPD:CustomerCIwithoutBusinessService menu, the value field for the CI menu field is ReconciliationIdentity. In BMC Remedy ITSM, the value of the CI menu field in active link is set to HPD_CI_ReconID menu field.

  6.  In Smart IT, select the Populate value with different field check box and type HPD_CI_ReconID in the text box. 

  7. Add the z1D_Local_DataSetID and Person ID fields to the forms from which they are missing, and make them available in Smart IT. 
    For more information, see "Adding custom fields to your views using Smart IT" in Related topics.

  8. Click Save.

  9. In the Configuration window, click Refresh metadata for the Incident view.

  10. Open an incident ticket to view the CI menu field.

Adding multiple menu fields to a group

In Smart IT, some menu fields depend on other menu fields to get their value; for example, the Owner Group and Owner menu fields depend on the Owner Support Company and Owner Support Organization menu fields. BMC recommends that you add dependent menu fields in a group. You must create a group to fulfill the validation filters (if any) to save dependent fields together.

  1. From the Configuration menu, select Screen Configuration.
  2. In the Configuration window, select an area in the Smart IT view. For example, select Record Summary in the Incident view.
  3. Under Available Fields, click the Add (+) icon for menu fields you want to add. 
    The added menu fields are displayed under Selected Fields. To add the Owner Group and Owner menu fields in Smart IT, the Owner Support Company and Owner Support Organization menu fields must be available in Smart IT. For example, in the following image the Owner Support CompanyOwner Support OrganizationOwner Group, and Owner menu fields have been added. The Owner Support Company is not dependent on other menu fields in this group. However, the remaining three menu fields are dependent in the following way:
    • The Owner Support Organization menu field depends on the Owner Support Company menu field.
    • The Owner Group menu field depends on the Owner Support Organization menu field.
    • The Owner menu field depends on the Owner Group menu field.
  4. Click Create Group.
  5.  Drag and place menu fields in their hierarchical order in the Drop Fields Here placeholder.
  6. (For BMC Remedy ITSM 8.1 SP1 and later versions) The Owner Group menu field has a menu with different label and value field associated with it in BMC Remedy ITSM. 
    To find out the associated menu, follow the procedure explained in the Adding a single menu field section. In BMC Remedy ITSM, the value of the Owner Group menu field in the active link is set to Owner Group ID menu field.
  7. In the Owner Group menu field, select the Populate value with different field check box and enter Owner Group ID in the text box.
  8. The Owner field also requires a menu with different label and value field associated with it. Follow steps given in Adding a single menu field section to find out the associated menu. The value of Owner menu field in the active link is set to Owner Login ID menu field.
  9. In the Owner menu field, select the Populate value with different field check box and enter Owner Login ID in the text box.
  10. Click Save.
  11. (Optional) Open an incident ticket to view the group.

Examples of customizing the out-of-the-box menu fields

Smart IT does not support active links. In such cases, you might need to import workflow (filters, active links) to support menu fields. If there are any active link interactions on these menu fields, you need to replace them using an equivalent filter. If you have customized out-of-the-box menu fields as part of your business needs, then you must create filters using the following examples. Details about such menu fields and filters are available in BMC Communities.

Customizing Owner Group and Owner menu fields for the Incident view in Smart IT.

Owner Group menu field details

BMC Remedy ITSM version7.6.04 SP x through 8.1
Menu field nameOwner Group
Menu nameCTM:SGP:SupportGroup4-Q
Dependent fields

Owner Support Company

Owner Support Organization

Owner menu field details

BMC Remedy ITSM version7.6.04 SP x and later
Menu field nameOwner
Menu nameCTM:SGL:Owner-Q
Dependent fields

Owner Support Company

Owner Support Organization

 Owner Group

Value fieldOwner Login ID


  • You must modify the filter HPD:HII:CreateIncident_100`! to push Owner Company, Owner Organisation, Owner Group, and Owner fields from HPD:IncidentInterface_Create to HPD:Help Desk during the creation of an incident.
  • To edit this group, you must import the !!!HPD:INC:OwnerGroupSetForSmartIT filter from the in BMC Communities.
    Extract the files and navigate to: Workflows > 7604 > Incident > OwnerGroup > OwnerGroup-Filter.def.

To customize Owner Group and Owner menu fields:

  1. Add dependent fields to incident interface forms.
    For more information, see "Adding custom fields to your views using Smart IT" in Related topics.
  2. In the Configuration window, click Refresh metadata for the Incident view.
  3. Create a group consisting of the following menu fields:
    • Owner Support Company
    • Owner Support Organization
    • Owner Group
    • Owner (in the text box for Populate value with different field, select Owner Login ID.)
  4. Click Save.

Customizing Owner Group and Owner menu fields for the Incident view in Smart IT.

Owner Group menu field details

BMC Remedy ITSM version8.1 SP2 and later versions
Menu field nameOwner Group
Menu nameCTM:SGP:SupportGroup3-Q_VUI=SDView
Dependent fields

Owner Support Company

Owner Support Organization

Value fieldOwner Group ID

Owner menu field details

BMC Remedy ITSM version8.1 SP2 and later versions
Menu field nameOwner
Menu nameCTM:SGL:Owner-Q
Dependent fields

Owner Support Company

Owner Support Organization

 Owner Group

Value fieldOwner Login ID


  • You must modify the filter HPD:HII:CreateIncident_100`! to push Owner Company, Owner Organisation, Owner Group, and Owner fields from HPD:IncidentInterface_Create to HPD:Help Desk.

  • To edit this group of fields, you must import the !!!HPD:INC:OwnerGroupSetForSmartIT filter available in in BMC Communities. Extract the files and navigate to: Workflows > 81SP2 > Incident > OwnerGroup > OwnerGroup-Filter.def.

  • You must customize the Owner Group menu field and change the menu attached to it. You must set the menu as CTM:SGP:SupportGroup4-Q. This menu is used in BMC Remedy ITSM 7.6.04 SPx and 8.1.

  • Add the active link HPD:INC:OwnerGroup_RefreshMenu_100_OnOpen available in in BMC Communities.
    Extract the files and navigate to: Workflows > 81SP2 > Incident > OwnerGroup > ActiveLink-Incident-OwnerGroup-Menu-Change.def.

Follow these steps to customize Owner Group and Owner menu fields:

  1. Add dependent fields to incident interface forms. See "Adding custom fields to your views using Smart IT" in Related topics
  2. On the Configuration window, click Refresh metadata for the Incident view.
  3. Create a group consisting the following menus:
    • Owner Support Company
    • Owner Support Organization
    • Owner Group ((for versions after 8.1 SP2) in the text box for Populate value with different field, select Owner Group ID.)
    • Owner (in the text box for Populate value with different field, select Owner Login ID.)
  4. Click Save.

Customizing the Vendor Group menu field for the Incident view in Smart IT.

Vendor Group menu field details

BMC Remedy ITSM version8.1 and later versions
Menu NameCTM:SGP:VendorSupportGroup-Q
Dependent fields

Vendor Name

Vendor Organization


To edit this group of fields, you must import the !!!HPD:INC:VendorFieldSetForSmartIT filter available in in BMC Communities. Extract the files and navigate to: Workflows > 81 > Incident > VendorGroup > VendorGroup-Filter.def.

 Follow these steps to customize the Vendor Group menu field:

  1. Add dependent fields to the incident interface forms. See "Adding custom fields to your views using Smart IT" in Related topics.


    By default, Vendor Organization is a "Not in view" in BMC Remedy ITSM. To make it available for customization in Smart IT, you must add it an "In view" field in the HPD:Help Desk form.

  2. On the Configuration window, click Refresh metadata for the Incident view. 
  3. Use the Configuration option to add dependent fields as custom fields in the appropriate panel. 
  4. To create or update the Vendor Group menu field, import the .def file that contains the necessary backend filters in BMC Communities
  5. Click Save.

Related topics

Adding custom fields to your views using Smart IT

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