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Calculation records for availability and performance-monitoring service targets

Availability of Asset or Service and Performance-Monitoring compliance are determined by its availability time, divided over its total time. This availability status can be Available, Met, or Warning.

The compliance percentage counts down from 100%. This is done taking the Unavailable or Missed MeasurementChild records, and dividing by the total review period time minus the Unknown time, to give the Unavailable percentage. Because this number only increases through time (unless the customers modify existing down time), the compliance percentage only goes down.

To calculate the total time for a review period, a "days of the month" lookup is performed. For example, day 1 is 2/12 and the total number of seconds for this monthly review period is needed. Day 2 is 3/12. A lookup is performed on February to find that this year, there are 28 days in February. For this monthly period, the SLACompliance period will span 29 days.

In a typical scenario of an asset or service moving from an available state to an unavailable state and back, a measurement record is used to track the overall time of the asset or service. To provide information for SLACompliance, a series of MeasurementChild records are needed that track the start and stop times of each transition (within business hours).

When using the MeasurementChild records to determine an availability service target's availability percentage, four scenarios that must be considered. These scenarios relate to how compliance calculations need to segment the MeasurementChild records to fit within the review period time frame.

For each scenario, the Impact Cost is calculated for each down MeasurementChild record. On the service target definition, the cost is defined in terms of Cost per Min. Because the down time tracked in MeasurementChild is kept in seconds, a conversion of the downtime is made to minutes. This value is stored in the TotalImpactCost field in the SLAComplianceHistory form.

Measurement Child Records

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