This documentation applies to the 8.1 version of Service Desk, which is in "End of Version Support." You will not be able to leave comments.

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Incident status reason definitions

The content of the Status Reason menu is determined by the selection that you make in the Status field. In most cases, the status reason is for informational use and does not affect how the application behaves. This means that you can assign meanings to the status reasons that are appropriate to your organization's needs. The status reason definitions provided in the following tables, therefore, are recommended definitions only.


The Pending status reason of Client Hold affects the calculation of service level agreement metrics in BMC Service Level Management, if that application is integrated with your installation of BMC Service Desk. Refer to the Client Hold definition in the Pending table, which follows, for more information about how this status reason affects the service level calculations.

Pending status reason definitions

Status reason


Local Site Action Required

Waiting for some type of action to occur at the location where the incident occurred.

Purchase Order Approval

A purchase that requires approval is needed to move the incident request to the next status.

Registration Approval

The request requires approval from another department before proceeding.

Supplier Delivery

Awaiting the delivery of a good or service from a supplier before the incident request can be moved to the next status.

Support Contact Hold

The help desk agent assigned to the incident request is currently working on other Incident requests.
Alternatively, the help desk agent is awaiting response from someone in a second or third tier support group.

Third Party Vendor Action Required

Some type of action from a third party vendor must occur before the incident request can be moved to the next status.

Client Action Required

Some type of action from the client (that is, the person indicated in the Customer field on the incident form) must occur before the incident request can be moved to the next status.

Infrastructure Change

The incident request cannot move to the next status until an infrastructure change occurs.


Pending a generic request for support from some other third party.

Future Enhancement

The incident request cannot move to the next status until an enhancement to some part of the environment takes place.

Client Hold

The client has asked the service desk to temporarily stop working on the incident request.

Note: If you select this status reason and your instance of Incident Management is integrated with BMC Service Level Management, the service level agreement metric collection stops until you change the status or status reason.

Monitoring Incident

The incident that triggered the incident request is ongoing and must be analyzed before further action can take place.

Automated Resolution Reported

The service desk received an automated report that the incident request was resolved, which needs verification.

Resolved status reason definitions

Status reason


Future Enhancement

The root cause of the incident request will be addressed by future enhancements to the environment.

Monitoring Incident

The root cause of the incident cannot be determined, but the help desk is monitoring the situation to determine if it will recur.

Customer Follow-Up Required

The incident request was resolved by the help desk, but the customer needs to confirm the resolution.

Temporary Corrective Action

The incident request is resolved, but the action taken is only a temporary resolution, until a more permanent resolution can be implemented.

No Further Action Required

The customer is reporting that the reported incident is no longer an issue.

Automated Resolution Reported

The service desk received an automated report that the incident request was resolved.

Closed status reason definitions

Status reason


Infrastructure Change Created

You created an infrastructure change request created from the incident request when you closed the incident request.

Automated Resolution Reported

The service desk received an automated report that the incident request was resolved.

Canceled status reason definitions

Status reason


No longer a causal CI

The CI against which the incident request was created is not the CI that caused the incident.

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.


  1. Wallace Roets


    occured --> occurred
    Canceled --> Cancelled

    Apr 11, 2013 05:22
    1. Bruce Cane

      Thanks Wallace, I changed occured to occurred, however, because we are required to use U.S. spelling in the documentation, I am leaving Canceled as shown.

      Apr 11, 2013 10:13