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Integrating Remedy SSO with Remedy AR System and Remedy Mid Tier

Follow the instructions provided in this topic to integrate Remedy Single Sign-On with Remedy AR System and Remedy Mid Tier.

You need to integrate Remedy SSO server with Remedy AR System and Remedy Mid Tier if you want to have single sign-on experience for Remedy AR System and Remedy Mid Tier by using Remedy SSO.

If you have an existing integration of Remedy SSO with Remedy AR System and Remedy Mid Tier, it is recommended to have the same version for Remedy SSO server and Remedy SSO agents. You might need to upgrade integration with Remedy AR System and Remedy Mid Tier. 

You also need to reintegrate with Remedy Mid Tier after you upgrade the Remedy Mid Tier to a later version.

Before you begin

Before you integrate Remedy SSO with AR System, verify the following conditions are met:

  • Remedy SSO, Remedy AR System, Remedy Mid Tier are installed. For more information, see Installing BMC Remedy AR System Open link and Installing Remedy SSO.

  • Review the System requirements and validate the integrated products are compatible with Remedy SSO. 

  • It is recommended that Remedy SSO server has the same version as Remedy SSO components: 

    • Remedy SSO server has the same version as Remedy SSO AREA plugin

    • Remedy SSO server has the same version as Remedy SSO agent. 

  • Obtain the files that you need for installation from the BMC Electronic Product Distribution (EPD) site. Upload and unzip the installation files to all servers where you will run the Remedy SSO installer.

  • If you plan to integrate Remedy SSO with Remedy AR System which is integrated with BMC Atrium Single Sign-On, you must manually disintegrate Remedy AR System from Atrium SSO, and then integrate it with Remedy SSO.  For information about how to do this, see Migrating from BMC Atrium Single Sign-On to Remedy SSO.

Task 1: Integrate Remedy SSO with AR System server

You can integrate Remedy SSO with BMC applications by using one of the followings methods:

To integrate Remedy SSO with AR System server by running the Remedy SSO installation wizard

  1. On the server where Remedy AR System is installed, unzip the Remedy SSO installation file to a destination directory.
  2. Depending on your operating system, select the installation program to run the installer:

    • (Windowssetup.exe.
    • (Linuxsh setup.sh.
  3. In the lower-right corner of the Welcome panel, click Next.
  4. Review the license agreement, click I agree to the terms of license agreement, and then click Next.
  5. In the Remedy Single Sign-On feature selection screen, select Integrate with BMC Remedy AR System.
  6. Complete the following installation fields as described in the Integrate with AR System tab of the Installation worksheets:
    • Path to BMC Remedy AR System Home
    • Service BMC Remedy Single Sign-On instance URL.
  7. Check the installation preview and then click Install to complete the integration.
    After the Remedy AR System integration is completed, the installer restarts the AR System server. 


    If you receive a warning message that the AR System server restart has failed, check the status of the server. If the server is not running, restart the server manually.

To integrate Remedy SSO with Remedy AR System by using the silent mode

  1. On the server where AR System is installed, create the options.txt file.
  2. Copy the options that you want to install, and enter the Integrate with AR System parameters into the options.txt file.

    Options for integrating Remedy SSO server with AR System server
    -P installLocation=<path where product info will be located>
    -A productRemedySSO
    -J AR_TYPE=true
    -J AR_HOME=<path_to_AR_server_home>
    -J INT_URL=<internal_RSSO_url>
  3. (Linux) Ensure that no Ctrl+M characters were inserted in the options.txt file.

  4. Run the installer with the -i silent option:

    setup.exe -i silent -DOPTIONS_FILE=<path_to_txt_file_with_installation_options>
     sh setup.bin -i silent -DOPTIONS_FILE=<path_to_txt_file_with_installation_options>

To integrate Remedy SSO with Remedy AR System manually

You can also integrate Remedy SSO with Remedy AR System manually. For information about how to do this, see Manually integrating Remedy SSO with BMC applications.

Task 2: Integrate Remedy SSO with Remedy Mid Tier 


You also need to reintegrate Remedy SSO with Remedy Mid Tier, if Remedy Mid Tier has been updated to a later version. The web.xml file that contains the Remedy SSO filter information is overwritten and the integration breaks. To restore the integration, manually remove the <RemedySSO (integration) installation> directory that contains the InstalledConfiguration.xml file and perform the following steps again.

You can install Remedy SSO by using one of the followings methods:

To integrate Remedy SSO with Remedy Mid Tier by running the Remedy SSO installation wizard

  1. On the server where Remedy Mid Tier is installed, unzip the Remedy SSO installation file to a destination directory.
  2. Depending on your operating system, select the installation program to run the installer:

    • (Windowssetup.exe.
    • (Linuxsh setup.sh.
  3. In the lower-right corner of the Welcome panel, click Next.
  4. Review the license agreement, click I agree to the terms of license agreement, and then click Next.
  5. Complete the following installation fields as described in the Integrate with Mid Tier tab of the Installation worksheets:
    • Path to BMC Remedy Mid Tier Home
    • Path to BMC Remedy Mid Tier Web server
    • Public BMC Remedy Single Sign-On instance URL
    • Service BMC Remedy Single Sign-On instance URL
  6. Check the installation preview and then click Install to complete the integration.

To integrate Remedy SSO with Remedy Mid Tier by using the silent mode

  1. On the server where Mid Tier is installed, create the options.txt file.
  2. Copy the options that you want to install, and enter the Integrate with Mid Tier parameters into the options.txt file.

    Options for integrating Remedy SSO server with Remedy Mid Tier
    -P installLocation=<path where product info will be located>
    -A productRemedySSO
    -J MT_TYPE=true
    -J MT_HOME=<path_to_Midtier_home>
    -J MT_PATH=<path_to_Midtier_server_home>
    -J INT_URL=<internal_RSSO_url>
    -J EXT_URL=<external_RSSO_url>
  3. (Linux) Ensure that no Ctrl+M characters were inserted in the options.txt file.

  4. Run the installer with the -i silent option:

    setup.exe -i silent -DOPTIONS_FILE=<path_to_txt_file_with_installation_options>
     sh setup.bin -i silent -DOPTIONS_FILE=<path_to_txt_file_with_installation_options>

To integrate Remedy SSO with Remedy Mid Tier manually

You can also integrate Remedy SSO with Remedy Mid Tier manually. For information about how to do this, see Manually integrating Remedy SSO with BMC applications.

Task 3: Perform post-integration configuration steps

AREA LDAP configuration and AREA RSSO are different plugins, and when you install the Remedy SSO agent in AR System server, the AREA LDAP plugin is removed from pluginsvr_config.xml file. 

If you want to use the AREA LDAP plug-in configuration for Remedy SSO, perform the following steps:

  1. Implement the same configurations (Bind User, Host Name, User Base search and other settings) in Remedy SSO as described in Configuring the AREA LDAP plug-in Open link .
  2. Add the AREA LDAP reference again to the pluginsvr_config.xml for all the AR servers (if you have a server group).

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