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Prerequisites for Integrating Remedy SSO with BMC Analytics for BSM

This topic describes prerequisites for integrating Remedy Single Sign-On (Remedy SSO) with BMC Analytics for BSM.

Software requirement

The Tomcat for SAP BI (Business Intelligence) must use Java 1.7 or a later version.

To enable Java 1.8, 1.11, or later for SAP B1 4 bundled Tomcat service

  1. Rename tomcat7w.exe to BOEXI40Tomcatw.exe in the <tomcat>/bin folder.
  2. Double click BOEXI40Tomcatw.exe.
  3. Click the Java tab in Apache Tomcat for BI 4 Properties and perform the following tasks:

    1. Set Java Virtual Machine to <JAVA_HOME>\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll.

    2. Ensure that Java Classpath also contains <JAVA_HOME>\tools.jar.


      <JAVA_HOME> is the home directory of Java. Java versions 1.7, 1.9, and 1.10 are not supported.

  4. Restart Apache Tomcat for BI 4 service.

Pre-integration procedures

  1. Make a backup of the following file and then delete it: <tomcat>/webapps/BI/WEB-INF/webagent.jar

  2. If BMC Analytics for BSM does not use BMC Atrium Single Sign-On for authentication, perform the following steps: 
    1. Enable Trusted Authentication in SAP BI.
    2. Log on to the SAP BusinessObjects Central Management Console (http://<server>:<port>/BOE/CMC) with administrative rights.
    3. Click the Authentication link in the Manage area.
    4. Double click the Enterprise option. The Enterprise dialog box opens.
    5. Scroll down until you see "Trusted Authentication".
      1. Ensure that the Trusted Authentication is enabled checkbox is selected
      2. Set the following configuration values:
        • Shared Secret Validity Period (days): 1000
        • Trusted logon request is timeout after N millisecond(s) (0 means no limit): 10000
      3. Click New Shared Secret.
    6. Click Download Shared Secret. Remember the location of downloaded file (TrustedPrinciple.conf) which will be used later.
    7. Click Update.
  3. Edit <tomcat>/webapps/BI/index.jsp.

    1. Enable SSO.

      1. Search this string: String SSOEnabled = "0".

      2. Replace string 0 above with 1.

    2. Change the SharedSecret value.

      1. Open the downloaded file 'TrustedPrinciple.conf' in step 1.5 and copy the value of 'SharedSecret'.

      2. Search this string: String sharedSecret = "BSMAnalyticsSecret".

      3. Replace the string BSMAnalyticsSecret above with the value copied from 'TrustedPrinciple.conf'.

  4. Edit <tomcat>/webapps/BI/WEB-INF/web.xml, and replace its content with the content of <tomcat>/webapps/BI/WEB-INF/web.xml.sso.

  5. Edit <tomcat>/webapps/BOE/WEB-INF/config/default/BIlaunchpad.properties, and change the url.exit property value to /BI/atssologout.html, i.e. url.exit=/BI/atssologout.html.

Where to go from here

Perform Remedy SSO integration with BMC Analytics for BSM


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