This documentation supports the 20.02 version of Remedy Single Sign-On.

To view an earlier version, select the version from the Product version menu.

Reviewing audit records

As a Remedy Single Sign-On administrator, you can review the audit records for all events performed from administrator accounts.

Before you begin

For a selected tenant, enable auditing of records for administrators in the Remedy SSO Admin Console. For information about how to enable auditing, see Configuring settings for Remedy SSO administrators.

To view the audit records

  1. Log in to the Remedy SSO Admin Console as an administrator.
  2. Click the Audit tab.

By default, the Audit tab shows all logged administrator actions for last 30 days. You can also select to view all audit data by a certain date.

The following types of events are recorded on the List of Audit Records page:

Audit event

Audit description


Administrator has successfully logged in to the Remedy SSO Admin Console.


Administrator has logged out from the Remedy SSO Admin Console.

ADMIN_USER_CREATEDAn administrator user was created.
ADMIN_USER_DELETEDAn administrator user was deleted.
ADMIN_USER_PWD_CHANGEDA password of an administrator user was changed.
ADMIN_USER_UPDATEDAn administrator user was updated.
AUDIT_DISABLEDAuditing is disabled.
AUDIT_ENABLEDAuditing is enabled.
LAUNCHPAD_CREATEDA launchpad application was added to the Digital Service Management page.

A launchpad application was deleted from the Digital Service Management page.

LAUNCHPAD_UPDATEDA launchpad application was updated on the Digital Service Management page.
LOCAL_GROUP_CREATEDA local group was created.
LOCAL_GROUP_DELETEDA local group was deleted.
LOCAL_GROUP_UPDATEDA local group was updated.
LOCAL_USER_ADDED_TO_GROUPA local user was added to a group.
LOCAL_USER_CREATEDA local user was created.
LOCAL_USER_DELETEDA local user was deleted.
LOCAL_USER_PWD_CHANGEDA password for a local user was changed.
LOCAL_USER_REMOVED_FROM_GROUPA local user was removed from a group.
LOCAL_USER_UPDATEDA local user was updated.
OAUTH_CLIENT_CREATEDAn OAuth client was created.
OAUTH_CLIENT_DELETEDAn OAuth client was deleted.
OAUTH_CLIENT_UPDATEDAn OAuth client was updated.
OAUTH_TOKEN_DELETEDAn OAuth token was deleted.

This event is generated when any changes are made in the Remedy SSO Admin Console:

  • To the configuration of the Remedy SSO server, on the General tab.
  • To the realms configuration, on the Realms tab.
TENANT_CREATEDA tenant was created.
TENANT_DELETEDA tenant was deleted.
TENANT_UPDATEDA tenant was updated.
USER_SESSION_DELETEDA user sessions was deleted.


Audit is enabled separately for every tenant, but records related to tenants management are recorded only in the SaaS tenant.

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  1. Sandy Reid
    • Add the Note title to the note macro.
    • Change the table column headings to "Audit event" and "Event description."
    • Select a row in the table and select "Responsive."
    • Instead of a Related topic link, in Before you begin, add a link to the task on how to configure auditing.

    Feb 13, 2020 01:37