R+/CHANGE ACCUM installation options

When you are installing R+/CHANGE ACCUM, you can specify several options to globally control aspects of operations or to set default values for R+/CHANGE ACCUM group definitions.

Following are descriptions of each of the installation options.


This option specifies the name or alias of an MVS catalog to be used when IDCAMS is executed from the R+/CHANGE ACCUM ISPF interface. You do not have to specify a value if SMS is installed or if user aliases are defined to the master catalog.


If you have INSTALL SYSADM (or equivalent) authority, this option enables you to delete change accumulation groups and files through the ISPF interface. Specify your ID.


IF you have INSTALL SYSADM (or equivalent) authority, this option enables you to delete change accumulation groups and files through the ISPF interface. Specify your ID.

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