Enabling SNMP trap notifications and in-context application launches for HP NNM 9.x

This topic describes how to enable HP Network Node Manager (NNM) version 9.x to receive SNMP notifications and launch TrueSight Network Automation reports and remediation requests.

To enable SNMP trap notifications

  1. According to your HP NNM server OS:
    • (Linux) Log in as root.
    • (Microsoft Windows) Log in as Administrator.
  2. Load the MIB to enable HP NNM to translate OID numbers into names when displaying traps received from Network AutomationTrueSight Network Automation.

    Locate the EmprisaNetworksV2C.mib file in the BCAN_HOME\public\bmc\bca-networks\mib directory.
  3. Copy the EmprisaNetworksV2C.mib file to a temp directory on the HP NNM server.
  4. Run the following commands:

    nnmloadmib.ovpl -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -load /tmp/EmprisaNetworksV2C.mib

    nnmincidentcfg.ovpl -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -loadTraps EMPRISANETWORKSV2C-MIB


    Replace USERNAME and PASSWORD with the credentials of an HP NNM user with at least an administrator role.
  5. Log in to NNMi.
  6. Go to Configuration > Incidents > SNMP Trap Configurations.
  7. Find the TrueSight Network Automation-related traps.


     These traps are named starting with enaNotify.

  8. Select the trap of interest and click Open.

  9. Change the Message Format to:

    BNA $3, Device: $4, BNA URL $5


    This makes the displayed message include more of the trap's details (instead of just showing the trap's name). This is just a suggested format and can be customized. Here are suggestions for the other trap names. You might also change the Severity, Category, and Family to better aid in handling and filtering a large volume of traps.

    SNMP Trap Name

    Message Format


    BNA $3, Device: $4, BNA URL $5


    BNA $3, Device: $4, BNA URL $5


    BNA $3, Device: $4, BNA URL $5


    BNA $3, Device: $4, BNA URL $5


    BNA $3, Device: $4, BNA URL $5


    BNA $3, Device: $4, Violation: $6, BNA URL $5


    BNA $3, Device: $4, BNA URL $5

To configure in-context application launches

You may create NNM map menu options that execute URLs that take you directly to Network Automation reports and jobs. What follows are just suggestions. You may customize these to have as many or few as you want. See Launching reports and jobs from third-party applications for the specific URLs that can be launched.

This example shows a launch action into a Compliance Summary Report. The table after the example has other suggested URLs you can copy and paste from.

  1. Log in to HP NNMi.

  2. Go to Configuration > User Interface > Menu Items.

  3. Click New.

  4. Fill in values similar to the ones shown in the following figure:

  5. In the Menu Item Contexts panel, click New. For the Menu Item Action, select New Launch Action. Fill in values similar to the ones shown in the following figure, then click Save and Close:

  6. Fill in values in the Menu Item Action similar to the ones shown in the following figure, then click Save and Close:

  7. Click Save and Close for the menu item.

The full URL looks like:


Substitute <bna-server> with the actual IP address or host name of your Network Automation server.


${name} substitutes the actual device name into the URL string. This name must match exactly with the value in the Name field of the TrueSight Network Automation device record. This will be the case if you import from NNM into Network Automation. 

The following table shows some suggested URL actions:

Menu Label

Full URL

Compliance Summary Report


Change Summary Report


Device Inventory Report


OS Image History Report


Running vs Startup


Deploy To Active Job


Commit Job


Snapshot Job


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