Limited support


BMC provides limited support for this version of the product. As a result, BMC no longer accepts comments in this space. If you encounter problems with the product version or the space, contact BMC Support.

BMC recommends upgrading to the latest version of the product. To see documentation for that version, see BMC AMI Ops Monitor for CICS version 7.2.00.

Customizing the application trace facility

MainView for CICS provides the capability to monitor and record the details of a CICS transaction in the form of a trace. Trace data is stored on VSAM log data sets and can be viewed with the online trace facility.


For information about displaying application trace data online and how to start a trace, see 'Application Trace Facility' in the MainView for CICS Online Services Reference Manual.

Logging trace data requires an allocated trace directory and a trace log data set. This chapter describes how to prepare a trace directory and trace log data sets. This chapter also includes a procedure to declare the trace defaults that appear in the MainView for CICS online trace request dialogs.

Preparing the trace directory can be done automatically by MainView Customization as described in the MainView Customization Reference, or manually as described in this chapter. Trace log data sets can be allocated in advance, or they can be dynamically allocated at the time of the trace request.

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
