Overview of the DEQUEUE command set

The DEQUEUE command lets you dequeue (delete) messages from the message queues. You can use the DEQUEUE command to perform the following tasks:
  • dequeue all messages from a destination

  • dequeue a specific message from a destination

  • exit conversations and dequeue the associated messages

  • unload messages to a sequential data set and dequeue them

  • validate that a dequeue will be successful without actually performing the dequeue

  • select or reject messages for dequeue based on the following criteria:

    • date and time ranges

    • destinations (with masking allowed)

    • destination type

    • origins (with masking allowed)

    • other message prefix and message data selection criteria

  • create report data

Message Advisor allows the following masking characters (m) for most selection keywords:

  • ? replaces exactly one character in a multicharacter string.

  • * replaces any number of characters.

  • Masking characters can be embedded in the string.

By using the DEQUEUE command to control message queue contents, you can prevent IMS outages caused by overflowing message queues.

The DEQUEUE command set consists of the DEQUEUE primary command and its associated keywords and parameters, with subcommands and their associated keywords and parameters. The DEQUEUE subcommands are as follows:

  • INTERVAL subcommand dequeues messages according to a specified time range

    For more information, see INTERVAL subcommand.

  • OUTPUT subcommand identifies the file to which Message Advisor unloads messages when MODE=UNLOAD_DEQUEUE

    For more information, see OUTPUT, EXTRACT, and SCRAP subcommands.

  • SELECT subcommand specifies criteria to select specific destinations and/or messages to be dequeued

    For more information, see SELECT and REJECT subcommands.

  • REJECT subcommand specifies criteria to exclude specific destinations and/or messages from being dequeued (the messages remain on the queue)

    For more information, see SELECT and REJECT subcommands.

For more information about building and executing a DEQUEUE command set, see the Using.

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