
The [Topic_Service] stanza is used to configure the TMTM Topic Service.




Default: 50.

Defines the number of packets that are queued if the service cannot remove them faster than they are arriving. This is a TCP/IP setting.


Defines the number of seconds between connection attempts to the database if no connection is established. If this field is not defined in the services.cfg file, then db_seconds_between_retries defaults to 30 seconds. If a connection to the database exists, then no further attempt is made.


Defines the demarshaller stack size. The default setting is usually acceptable. Before editing this setting, contact BMC Support.


Default: 5.

Maximum: 64.

The recommended setting for this value is generally equivalent to the value of threads or the number of CPUs present in your database machine, whichever is smaller.

Defines the number of thread pool handling messages received by MVMM. This is a tuning parameter and it is recommended that users do not modify this.


Default: 5.

Defines the maximum number of concurrent threads that the MVMM Topic Service uses to listen on the TCP port. This is a tuning parameter and generally should not be modified.


Default: 15001.

Defines the port on which the MVMMTopic Service listens.


Default: 16384 (64MB).

Defines how much memory is pre-allocated for the MVMMTopic Service. The message_block_pool_size is allocated in blocks of 4KB.


Default: encrypted.

When starting, the MVMMTopic Service reads the one-time password in the user's file. The MVMMTopic Service then selects a new password, then informs the MVMMApplication Service, and writes the new password here.


Defines the size of the service state monitor. The default setting is usually acceptable. Before editing this setting, contact BMC Support.


Defines the subscriber stack size. The default setting is usually acceptable. Before editing this setting, contact BMC Support.


Default: 5.

Thread pool handling messages received. Generally the same value as threads=. This is a tuning parameter and generally should not be modified.


Default: MVMMTopic Service.

Defines the user account that the MVMMTopic Service uses. When starting the MVMMTopic Service, it reads the user's file and uses the user name for the MVMMTopic Service.


The host name used by agents to bind to the Topic Service. Preconfigured in bootstrap packages distributed from the AS. A default is determined when the Topic Service is first started.


Default: 300 seconds

Minimum: 30

Maximum: 86400

Defines how often to report statistics in the log for this component.

These keywords are all related to the detection of subscribers unable to keep up with updates published by the topic service.




Minimum: 0

Default: 5000


Minimum: 0

Maximum: 100

Default: 0


Minimum: min_subscriber_buffer_size


Minimum: min_subscriber_grow_size


Minimum: 0

Default: 4096


Minimum: min_subscriber_buffer_size

Default: min_subscriber_buffer_size


Minimum: 0

Maximum: 131072

Default: 131072

Time taken to send a message to a subscriber before the subscriber is considered slow.


Minimum: ms_before_subscriber_slow

Default: 2 times ms_before_subscriber_slow

Time taken to send a message to a subscriber before the subscriber is considered very slow.


Minimum: 0

Maximum: 100

Default: 50


Minimum: 1

Maximum: 300

Default: 10

How often to check the queue of messages being sent to the subscriber to determine whether the subscriber is slow.


Minimum: 0

Maximum: 65535

Default: 300


disabled, static_thresholds, dynamic_thresholds

Default: disabled

When disabled a slow subscriber is not detected.

When static_thresholds is specified a subscriber is slow if a send is taking longer than the ms_before_subscriber_slow setting or there are more unsent messages than the unsent_msgs_before_slow settings. A slow subscriber is considered very slow if the send is longer than the ms_before_subscriber_very_slow setting or there are more unsent messages than the unsent_msgs_before_subscriber_very_slow setting.

When dynamic_thresholds is specified a subscriber is slow if a send is taking longer than the smaller of the ms_before_subscriber_slow setting or average send time plus one second or there are more unsent messages than the unsent_msgs_before_subscriber_slow setting.

A slow subscriber is considered very slow if the send is longer than the minimum of ms_before_subscriber_very_slow setting or average send time plus five seconds or there are more unsent messages than the unsent_msgs_before_subscriber_very_slow setting.


True or false

Default: False

Close the subscriber when the slow_subscriber_algorithm determines the subscriber is very slow.


Min: 1

Default: 100

Number of messages queued up to be sent to subscriber before the subscriber is considered slow.


Min: unsent_mnsgs_before_subscriber

Default: 2000

Number of messages queued up to be sent to subscriber before the subscriber is considered very slow.

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