Managing dashboards and collections with the CLI

The dashboardtool command line tool can be used to list dashboards and view collections, as well as add objects to or remove objects from a dashboard.

Syntax: dashboardtool [options] userid

You must specify at least one of the following verb options:

--list-dashboards--list-view-collections--add-object or --remove-object 

The following table lists the required and optional parameters for the dashboard command tool.



--as-host host_name

Application Service host.

--as-port port_number

Application Service port.


Lists dashboard templates and instances.


Lists view collections.

-a or --add-object object_name

Add an object to a dashboard template and instance.

-d or --dashboard-template-type template_name

Dashboard Type Name for add and remove.

--file filename

JSON file to use as input for --add-object and --remove-object.

-? or -h

Give a help summary.

-i or --dashboard-instance dashboard_instance

Dashboard instance name for add and remove.

-o or --object-inst-path obj instance path

Physical Object Instance Path. This option requires an exclamation mark!delimited instance path following it. Used on add and remove.

-p password

Password used for connecting to the services. If –p or –s is not specified, the user is prompted for one. The password is not displayed during entry. This is mutually exclusive with –s.

-r or --remove-object object_name

Remove an object from a dashboard template and instance.

-s or --stdin

Specify password via stdin. This is mutually exclusive with –p.

-t or --object-type-path obj type

Physical Object Type Path. This option requires an exclamation mark!delimited type path follow it. Used on add and remove.

-v or --view-collection view_collection

View Collection for add.

-x or --filter pattern

Regular expression to filter list.

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