



Default: 40D (days)

Minimum: 2H (hours)

Maximum: 40D (days)

Default: 40d (40 days). Defines the amount of BTM high resolution history to keep.

When enabled by the purge keyword a data purge starts after the MVMM History Service startup is complete and the delay specified by the seconds_to_delay_initial_purge_evaluation has elapsed. The purge is done periodically as specified by the purge_evaluation_period.

The value can be specified in days (for example, 20d, 20D), or in hours (for example, 4h, 4H). The default is hours (h).


Default: on

Values: on or off

Enables purge of BTM high resolution data. See explanation above.


Default: off

Values: on or off

Only change if directed by BMC Support.


Default: 1000

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 65535

Used when transactional purge is on.

Only change if directed by BMC Support.


Defaults to 10000

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 99999

Used when transactional purge is on.

Only change if directed by BMC Support.


Default: 3600 seconds (1 hour)

Minimum: 600 seconds (10 minutes)

Maximum: 31104 seconds (8 hours)

How often high resolution data is evaluated to be deleted.

Only change if directed by BMC Support.


Default: 3600 seconds (1 hour)

Minimum: 600 seconds (10 minutes)

Maximum: 86400 seconds (24 hours)

Delays first purge evaluation. If your services take a long time to stabilize when started, you can increase this to avoid the overhead during that time.


Default and only valid value is 1. Do not change.


Defines the stack size. The default setting is usually acceptable. Before editing this setting, contact BMC Support.


Defines the reconnect stack size. The default setting is usually acceptable. Before editing this setting, contact BMC Support.


Default: 30

Minimum: 30

Maximum: 3600

How long DB re-connection attempts are made.


Defines the number of seconds between connection attempts to the database if no connection is established. If this field is not defined in the services.cfg file, then db_seconds_between_retries defaults to 30 seconds. If a connection to the database exists, then no further attempt is made.


Default: off

Values: on or off


Default: off

Values: on or off

Only change if directed by BMC Support.


Default: 8192

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 65535

Deflates temporary storage used for high resolution when this size is exceeded.

Only change if directed by BMC Support.


Default: 16384

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 65535

If the high resolution data can not be saved to the DB, this indicates the buffer should be discarded if this size is exceeded.

Only change if directed by BMC Support.


Default: 60

Dictates how often hires is flushed to the DB based on size of collected data.

Only change if directed by BMC Support.


Default: 4096 seconds

Dictates how often hires is flushed to the DB based on time.

Only change if directed by BMC Support.


Default: 2000

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 65535

Only change if directed by BMC Support.


Default: 1

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 65535

Only change if directed by BMC Support.


Default: 600

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 3600

Only change if directed by BMC Support.

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