Messages BMC9600 through BMC9699

This group includes messages for the MainView for VTAM, ULTRAOPT/CICS, and ULTRAOPT/IMS products.

Oops, it seems that you need to place a table or a macro generating a table within the Table Filter macro.

The table is being loaded. Please wait for a bit ...


Not authorized--Must enter valid password

Explanation: An attempt was made to change a password-protected panel or field without providing a password. The password is customer defined. The panel is redisplayed.

User response: Type the correct password. For information about Monitor passwords, see the ULTRAOPT User Guide.


All Applids cannot be selected with all LUs

Explanation: You typed Y in both the All APPLIDs and the All LUs fields.

User response: Type Y in one field or the other, but not both. Both fields can be N.


Duplicate names found--All but first found were ignored

Explanation: Duplicate table LU/APPLID entries were found. All duplicates after the first entry are ignored.

User response: Verify that all entries are correct. Delete duplicate entries or change them.


Invalid TIMEOUT specified: Hours must be between 0-24

Explanation: You typed a value for hours that is out of range.

User response: Type a value in the Hours field that is in the range 0 to 24, inclusive. (If hours is 0, minutes must be at least 1.)


Invalid TIMEOUT specified: Minutes must be between 0-59

Explanation: You typed a value for minutes that is out of range.

User response: Type a value in the Minutes field that is in the range 0 to 59. (If hours is 0, minutes must be at least 1.)


Invalid TIMEOUT specified: Maximum setting is 24:00

Explanation: You specified a time-out value that is greater than the maximum of 24 hours.

User response: Type a time-out value from 1 minute to 24 hours.


Invalid TIMEOUT specified: Minimum overall default is 00:01

Explanation: You specified a time-out value that is less than the minimum of 1 minute.

User response: Type a time-out value from 1 minute to 24 hours.


E=Edit is the only valid option to create a new table

Explanation: You typed a character other than E (edit) next to the new table field.

User response: To edit (create) a new table, type E next to the new table Name field, enter a new table name, and press Enter.


Type in new table name and press Enter

Explanation: You failed to type a name for the new table.

User response: Type a new table name in the Name field and press Enter.


Unable to read specified table

Explanation: Either the specified table was not found, or there was an error reading the table.

User response: Check the table name and verify that it is an existing table. If it is an existing table, but this message continues to be displayed, contact BMC Customer Support.


Invalid Character--valid characters are Y or N

Explanation: You typed a character other than Y or N.

User response: Type Y or N and press Enter.


Unable to add Applid--Max of 50 has been reached

Explanation: You tried to add more APPLIDs to the message notification list than are allowed in the table. The maximum is 50. The APPLID is not added.

User response: If you require more than 50 APPLIDs in the notification message list, try using wildcard characters. Otherwise, delete entries.


Not enough storage available to process current request

Explanation: An attempt to obtain extended common storage area (ECSA) storage to process this request has failed.

User response: Unless you can free use of this storage, allocate more ECSA.


Failure Notification Message update complete

Explanation: Your change to a failure notification message was completed successfully. The message is changed.

User response: No action is required.


Default Failure Notification Message update complete

Explanation: Your change to the default failure notification message was completed successfully. The default message is changed.

User response: No action is required.


New Applid name required

Explanation: A new APPLID name is required to process the current request.

User response: Enter a new APPLID name in the Name field and press Enter.


Only one command may be specified at a time

Explanation: You specified more than one action.

User response: Enter one command at a time, and press Enter.


E=Edit is the only valid option to create a new Applid failure message

Explanation: You typed a character other than E next to the new APPLID Name field.

User response: Type E in that field, type a new APPLID name in the Name field, and press Enter.


Applid message already exists for the specified Applid

Explanation: You entered a duplicate APPLID name.

User response: Either edit the existing APPLID message or type a unique APPLID name.


Severe internal message list error--unable to process command

Explanation: An internal error was encountered when processing this command.

User response: Note the actions that lead up to this message, and contact BMC Customer Support.


Default message cannot be all blanks

Explanation: The default failure notification message cannot be blank.

User response: Type a failure notification message or *NONE* and press Enter.


Send NOW request successfully processed

Explanation: Your request to send a failure notification message was processed successfully.

User response: No action is required.


Applid not currently pending recovery

Explanation: An attempt was made to send a message to terminals that are in session with an active or an unknown APPLID.

User response: Type the name of an APPLID that is currently pending recovery, which you can get from the list on panel 2.2.0.


Must specify both the Applid and a non-blank message to be sent

Explanation: An attempt was made to send a message to terminals, but either the APPLID field or the message field was left blank.

User response: Type the name of an APPLID pending recovery and a message to send to terminals with which it is in session.


Applid currently busy sending message--try again momentarily

Explanation: An attempt was made to send a message before the previous message was completed.

User response: Wait a few seconds and retry.


Press Enter or F3 to confirm delete

Explanation: You are attempting to delete a table or APPLID failure notification message. The system requires you to verify that this request is correct. The system waits for your response.

User response: Press Enter to process the deletion request and remain on the same panel; press F3 to process the deletion request and return to the previous panel.



Explanation: Not enough memory is available (subpool 241 in common CSA/ECSA) to process unique failure notification messages. The product uses the default failure notification message.

User response: Allocate more storage.

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