Using the XTLOAD utility

To expand the PROFILE pool data set, use the XTLOAD utility. You must bring down MainView AutoOPERATOR before you can use this utility.

XTLOAD copies the content of the existing BBIVARS data set into a larger data set. After successful execution of XTLOAD, the new data set can be specified on the BBIVARS DD statement. Alternatively, the new data set can be renamed to match the original data set name on the BBIVARS DD statement.

Use the following sample JCL to execute XTLOAD.

Figure 1. Sample JCL to execute XTLOAD

//STEP1  EXEC PGM=XTLOAD                                                   
//STEPLIB  DD DSN=hilevel.????.BBLINK,DISP=SHR                                
//BBIVARS  DD DSN=old.bbivars.dataset,DISP=OLD                              
//NEWVARS  DD  DSN=new.bbivars.dataset,                                         
//         DISP=(NEW,CATLG),UNIT=SYSDA,                                    
//         SPACE=(TRK,(nn))                                                

To modify the sample JCL

  1. Provide a valid job card.
  2. On the STEPLIB DD statement, specify the BBLINK load library containing XTLOAD.
  3. On the BBIVARS DD statement, specify the name of the existing PROFILE pool data set.
  4. On the NEWVARS DD statement, specify the name of the new PROFILE pool data set. The NEWVARS data set must be larger than the BBIVARS data set; otherwise, XTLOAD will terminate and write an appropriate error message to the SYSPRINT DD.

    The XTLOAD return codes are


    NEWVARS, BBIVARS, or SYSPRINT DD statement is missing


    NEWVARS DD data set is not larger than the BBIVARS DD data set

    If the BBIVARS data set is full, the IMFEXEC VPUTL command receives a return code of 8


    BBIVARS data set is full

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