Using the System Status Profile panel

Use the CICS System Status Profile panel to indicate which ALERTs (based on queues and priorities) are displayed in Area-3 of the CICS System Status panel and how they are initially sorted.

You can define individual profiles for up to 23 CICS targets, and you can also define a default profile layout.

The following describes how to change a specific profile for a CICS system.

  1. Change the current TGT system name by typing the new target name in the TGT field.

  2. Enter the PROFILE primary command.

  3. Press Enter.

The current profile for the named system is displayed and can be changed.

If no profile for the named system exists, the CICS Status Profile Targets panel is displayed and you can choose a profile slot. This slot is filled in with default values, which you can modify. If all of the slots are already filled, you can make space in the profile for a new target by deleting an old target system profile. It is not possible to delete the default profile specification.

Figure 1. CICS system status profile panel (PROFILE)

BMC Software  ---------- CICS System Status Profile -------------- AutoOPERATOR
COMMAND ===>                                                 TGT ===> CICSPROD
  Queue, Priority and Sort specifications for the current CICS                 
  Queues     ===> *             / *             / *             / *            
  Priorities ===> *             / *             / *             / *            
  Initial sort sequence      ===> QUEUE   ( QUEUE or TIME )                    
Enter CANCEL to cancel, END to save, TARGETS to invoke target profiling

You can use the CICS System Status Profile panel to display the ALERT for a specific queue (up to four queues) and to select the priority levels of the ALERT displayed.

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