Using the Command MQ Automation Power Line (APL) EXEC

The Command MQ Automation Power Line (APL) EXEC, QMQPOWER, provides the capability to issue commands from an EXEC to manage distributed IBM MQ (hereafter referred to as MQ) queue managers and receive responses to those commands without using MQ channels.

QMQPOWER can only be invoked from another EXEC.

Automation Power Line requires:

  • BMC Performance Manager for MQ Node Manager (formerly called Patrol Node Manager)

  • At least one BBI-SS PAS running MainView AutoOPERATOR 7.2

  • TCP/IP level 3.1 or higher running on z/OS

The EXEC QMQPOWER must have authority to access MQ on the computer with which it is communicating. This is the user ID of the PAS and the user IDs of users who invoke an EXEC that calls QMQPOWER. For information about Patrol Node Manager, see the BMC Performance Manager for MQ Planning and Implementation Guide and the BMC Performance Manager for MQ Administration Guide.

The following statement shows the format of the APL EXEC in REXX:

'IMFEXEC SELECT E(QMQPOWER CMD(Commands) NODE(IPname)', 'PORT(port) RM(qmgr) WAIT(sec) DEBUG(debug) HELP(help)', 'RESP(response)) WAIT(YES)'


The APL EXEC uses REXX socket calls; therefore, it will not work on systems that do not have IBM TCP/IP active. Interlink TCPAccess does not support REXX socket calls.

Table 1 describes the parameters of the EXEC.


For more information about IBM MQ, refer to the IBM manual MQ Application Programming Reference or the IBM Knowledge Center.

Table 1. APL EXEC parameters







Valid PATROL Node Manager command

This parameter has no default value.

The PATROL Node Manager command can be up to 256 characters in length.

You must replace all blanks with plus signs.

If IBM MQ commands use lowercase or mixed case IBM MQ object name, the name should be enclosed in single quotation marks. To pass a single-quote enclosed character string, it must also be enclosed in single quotation marks. That is, the quotation marks must be typed twice, for example:


PATROL Node Manager accepts any valid IBM MQ command and any of the following PATROL Node Manager “EXEC” commands:




Multiple IBM MQ or Node Manager “EXEC” commands can be passed in one request. The commands must be separated by two consecutive colons (::).



PATROL Node Manager network node name or IP address

This parameter has no default value.



PATROL Node Manager port number on its node

If omitted, this parameter uses the 5000 default value.

Valid values are 0-9999.



Non-MVS queue manager with which APL communicates

If omitted, this parameter uses the default value equal to Userid.



Number of seconds to wait for the PATROL Node Manager response

This time applies to every TCP/IP send or response communication.

If omitted, this parameter uses a 60-second default value.



To write debug information to the journal (YES, NO)

If omitted, this parameter uses NO as the default.



Response format

Can have one of the following values:

  • NO: Responses for commands will not be saved.

  • YES: (default) All responses will be saved in APLNxx variables, contiguously without separation lines between them.

  • DELIM: Each response begins and ends with a separation line.



To write APL’s call format to the journal (YES, NO)

If omitted, this parameter uses NO as the default.

If HELP(YES) is provided, all other parameters are ignored. Calling QMQPOWER without parameters is the same as calling it with HELP(YES).

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