Using sysplex variables

The following topics describe sysplex variables and where you can use them in MainView AutoOPERATOR automation tasks.

For information about how to implement support for sysplex variables, see Implementing support for sysplex variables


Sysplex variables consume more CPU resources and are slower than SHARED variables, therefore, sysplex variables are not designed for storing static data or data that is referenced by only one MainView AutoOPERATOR BBI-SS PAS. This type of data is more efficiently stored as SHARED, PROFILE or TSO variables.

Sysplex variables are a subclass of SHARED variables, and are identified by a special prefix name in the variable name.

After support for sysplex variables is enabled, all MainView AutoOPERATOR subsystems that connect to the same Coupling Facility structure will share sysplex variables. By default, all MainView AutoOPERATOR BBI-SS PASs that are in the same AOAnywhere cross-system coupling facility (XCF) group will use the same Coupling Facility structure name. Non-sysplex SHARED variables will continue to work as they have in earlier releases.

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