STATUS options

This section describes the two modes of the STATUS application.

The STATUS option from the IMS for the STATUS/EXCEPTION application allows you to put the application in a Refresh or Input mode as follows:

  • Refresh

    Enter the screen refresh interval in seconds from 1 to 99 in the INTVL field. The default is the INTERVAL parameter value in the BMC Software-distributed BBPROF data set member BBITSP00.

    Start screen refresh by pressing the GO key ( PF6 or PF18) or by entering GO in the command input line. Screen refresh is indicated by the message RUN or RUNNING displayed in the STATUS field.

    Data cannot be entered until you press ATTN (SNA terminal) or PA1 (non-SNA terminal), which exits Refresh and enters Input mode. INPUT is displayed in the STATUS field.

  • Input

    To enter data in the application, it must be in Input mode. If the application is in Refresh, press ATTN (SNA terminal) or PA1 (non-SNA terminal) for input mode. The message, INPUT, is displayed in the STATUS field.

    Commands can be entered in the command line or data can be entered in the TGT or INTVL input fields. Press Enter to display the IMS current status.

Figure 1. STATUS/EXCEPTION application

BMC Software ---------------- STATUS/EXCEPTION ------------------ AUTOOPERATOR
COMMAND ===>                                                 TGT  ===> IMS22X
 CHECKPOINT >> *88145*092707*4      DB2B>> NOT CONNECTED     INTVL===> 3
#MPPS>>   2/  2 #QUEUED>>         3 #PROCESSED>>       2,469 DATE----- 01/03/16
#BMPS>>   0     #QUEUED>>         0 #PROCESSED>>           0 TIME----- 15:19:44
#IFPS>>   0     #QUEUED>>         0 #PROCESSED>>           0
#DBTS>>   1/  1 #QUEUED>>         0 #PROCESSED>>           0
       PERCENTS                               RESPONSE TIME
       0.........5.........0                  0.........2.........4
   TCPU >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         84                                     .00
   ICPU >                         2                                     .00
  SHMSG >                         1                                     .00
TIME-  ORIGIN  ---------------  Total   0  --------- Sorted by ===> TIME

Use the STATUS/EXCEPTION application to monitor the status of the target IMS environment, which shows the following information:

  • the target IMS in the TGT field, the refresh interval in seconds in the INTVL field, and the application mode status in the STATUS field (RUN and RUNNING for screen refresh or INPUT for application command entries)

  • the current checkpoint ID, the checkpoint number in the CHKPT # field, and the IMS status

The first time you access this application, the IMS STATUS PROFILE panel is displayed.

If you do not make any modifications to this panel, all warnings and ALERTs are displayed on the STATUS/EXCEPTION panel.

The IMS status can be one of the following statuses:

  • CTL RGN ABEND (control region abend)




The name and status of the first two external subsystems that are defined to IMS and the number of regions connected to them

The status can be one of the following options.




A connection has been established between IMS and DB2.

The first number is the number of connected dependent regions and the second number is the number of dependent regions that are actually signed on to DB2.


The subsystem has been defined to IMS, but no connection exists


IMS is in the process of establishing a connection with the subsystem


The IMS operator has issued a /STO SUBSYS command


The IMS operator has issued a /STO SUBSYS command and the connection is in the process of stopping


The subsystem connection is in the process of terminating due to an internal request from IMS or DB2

This termination could be a normal or abnormal condition as indicated by IMS messages.

  • the number of message processing (MPPS) regions that are active and started (n/ n where n is an MPP count), the number of batch message processing (BMPS) and Fast Path message processing (IFPS) regions that are active, and the number of connected and active DBCTL threads (n/n where n is a DBT count).

  • the number of transactions queued for processing and the number of transactions processed for each region type.

  • graphic information as


      This graph shows total system CPU (TCPU) and control region CPU (ICPU) busy percentages and the largest percent used of the IMS queue data sets SHMSG, LGMSG, or QBLKS (MSGQ).


      This graph shows transaction response time for the first three response monitors started if IMS Workload Monitor is installed.

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