Sharing a schedule between multiple objects

The easiest way for multiple objects to share a schedule is to create a model-object that specifies the shared schedule. A calendar set must use AND logic, which means all set members must evaluate as TRUE for the set to be true.

For example, if MON, WED, and FRI are all members of a set, that set will always evaluate as FALSE because MON, WED, and FRI cannot all be true at the same time.

However, a calendar entry DAY type named MWF can be created that includes the days MON, WED, and FRI, which will evaluate as TRUE for any of those days. Additionally, a calendar entry TIME type named 6-12 can be created that includes the hours 06:00-12:00.

A calendar set entry can be created that includes the DAY entry named MWF and the TIME entry named 6-12. This calendar set would be TRUE on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between the hours of 6:00 AM and 12:00 PM.

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