Reviewing the use of NetView exit DSIEX16

MainView AutoOPERATOR Access NV uses the NetView exit DSIEX16.

If you do not have a DSIEX16 exit, no other action is required for this step.

If you already use this exit, perform the following steps to ensure that your existing DSIEX16 exit and the MainView AutoOPERATOR Access NV DSIEX16 exit can coexist:

  1. Rename your existing DSIEX16 load module to DSIEX16B.
  2. Link the two exits by using the following linkage editor statements:
    //OLDLIB  DD DSN=your.user.exit.library
    //SYSIN   DD *
       ORDER DSIEX16
       ENTRY DSIEX16
       NAME DSIEX16(R)

    MainView AutoOPERATOR Access NV first processes the MainView AutoOPERATOR exit and control is passed to the NetView DSIEX16 exit. The Registers from NetView are passed with the exception of the return address and R13. The return codes are passed to NetView.

  3. For NetView version 5.1 and later, you must modify the DSIPARM member CNMSTYLE to activate this exit.

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