Registry export utility

The registry export utility provides an easy way to export and import the registry definitions when deploying many object, set, and calendar definitions to remote sysplex definition bases.

The REXX EXEC MAMEXPRT in BBSAMP data set allows you to export the registry definitions together, or by selecting any individual or combination of sysplex, object, or calendar definition base. You can easily modify the output EXEC to change the exported definitions before importing them to remote sysplex definition bases. Scheduling EXEC MAMEXPRT will require TOM to be active on the same z/OS system where the EXEC is scheduled.

MAMEXPRT export utility facility allows you to replicate object, set, and calendar definitions from one TOMPLEX to another without interrupting TOM automation processing. You can select a definition base in one TOMPLEX, export it to a preallocated sequential data set, copy it to another sysplex, and import it into another TOMPLEX.

To implement the registry export utility

  1. Copy EXEC MAMEXPRT from the BBSAMP data set to your UBBPROC data set.


    Copy the following BBSAMP members to the UBBPROC data set that is allocated to the SYSPROC concatenation of the MainView AutoOPERATOR PAS:




    If WRM (WLM Resource Management) objects are defined in the Definition Base that you are exporting, you must also copy MAMEXWRM from BBSAMP to the UBBPROC data set that is allocated to the SYSPROC concatenation of the MainView AutoOPERATOR PAS that is connected to the TOM PAS.

  2. Edit the MAMEXPRT EXEC in ISPF to modify the parameters. Update the Beginning of required changes and Beginning of optional changes portions of the EXEC to meet your needs.
  3. Schedule the MAMEXPRT EXEC from the MainView AutoOPERATOR PAS that is connected to the TOM PAS. Review the MainView AutoOPERATOR Journal to ensure the export process was completed successfully. You can also schedule the MAMEXPRT EXEC from TSO or in TSO batch. If you are executing from TSO or TSO batch, check the TSO session or the SYSTSPRT output to ensure the export process completed successfully.

    After MAMEXPRT completes execution, the selected TOM objects, sets, and calendar definitions will be exported and written to a new generated EXEC.

  4. Review the generated EXEC and make modifications if necessary.

    Use caution when modifying the EXEC. If dependencies exist between objects, sets, or calendars, modifying or deleting some might affect others.

  5. Schedule the generated EXEC from an MainView AutoOPERATOR PAS to import the exported definitions into another TOM, sysplex, or definition base.

    MAMEXPRT parameters




    (optional) Determines which TOM will receive the TOMEXEC functions; parameter cannot be specified together with the TOMPLEX parameter

    It is recommended to omit this parameter.


    (optional) Searches to find an active TOM belonging to this TOMPLEX; parameter cannot be specified together with the TOM parameter

    It is recommended to omit this parameter.


    (optional) Determines from which sysplex to export definitions

    If not specified, definitions will be exported from the local sysplex. To export from all discovered sysplexes, specify Sysplex = '*'


    (optional) Determine from which definition base to export definitions

    If not specified, definitions will be exported from the currently active definition base. To export from all discovered definition bases specify DEFBASE = '*'

    To bypass exporting of definition bases specify DEFBASE='*NO*'.


    (optional) Determine from which calendar definition base to export definitions

    If not specified, definitions will be exported from the currently active calendar definition base. To export from all discovered calendar definition bases specify CALBASE = '*'

    To bypass exporting of calendar bases specify CALBASE='*NO*'.


    Data set name that contains the output (import) REXX EXEC created by the utility

    If a data set name is not specified, the data set name defaults to userid.MAMEXPRT.EXEC.


    Member name in the data set (specified by the DSN parameter) that contains the output (import) REXX EXEC created by the utility

    If a member name is not specified, the member defaults to IMPORT00.


    (optional) Specify Y or N (the default=N)

    If Y is specified, the member specified by the MBR parameter is overwritten, if it already exists. If N is specified, the member specified by MBR is not overwritten, if it already exists and the EXEC will terminate.


    (optional) Specify Y or N (the default=N)

    If Y is specified, various debugging and informational messages are written to the console and the output (import) REXX EXEC.


    (optional) Specify Y or N (the default=N)

    Specify V21CONV=Y only when you are exporting your registry from a registry that has been restored from a V1 or V21 Registry dump.


    (optional) Specify Y or N (the default=N)

    Specify EXPORTALLATTRS=Y to export all attributes, even if they are null.


    (optional) Specify Y or N (the default=N)

    Specify DEPLOY=YES to create a member that allows you to manage definition base changes.

    When you specify DEPLOY=YES, the MAMEXPRT EXEC creates an EXEC that you can use to deploy definition base changes to a target sysplex. The target sysplex can be either the local or remote sysplex. 

    If you deploy definition base changes to a remote sysplex, note that there might be differences in the system names between the remote and local sysplex.  You should review the EXEC created by MAMEXPRT and search for the comment Beginning of optional system name changes.  Follow the instructions in this comment to specify the system names for the target sysplex.  

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