Preparing to start and use TOM

To use TOM, you must install and bring up MainView AutoOPERATOR, which you can then use to start RTCS.

To prepare for the startup of TOM

  • Perform customization for MainView Infrastructure and RTCS.

    See the MainView Customization Reference for information about installing and customizing RTCS.

  • Perform customization for MainView AutoOPERATOR.

  • Allocate a VSAM Linear Data Set (VLDS) to be the TOM registry.

    See BBSAMP member TOMALLOC for information about allocating the data set.

    Whether you are just beginning to create objects or you are converting several hundred objects from another application, BMC recommends a registry size of 20MB per 100 objects. See TOM registry size planning.

    The data set name of your registry must be specified in BBPARM member MAMPLXxx. See TOMPLEX management parameters: BBPARM member MAMPLXxx.

    If you need to rename the TOM registry, see To rename the TOM registry.


    The registry must be available so that TOM and its subtasks can initialize.  If the registry data set is unavailable the following messages will be written in TOM’s job log: 

    MAMRY1207E Total Object Manager Registry allocation failed

    TM0301E MAMRYT   could not be attached

    TX0203I Error initializing MAMRYT

    TX0200E Error initializing MAMRYT   - TOM startup aborted

    and the TOM started task will terminate.  The objects defined to TOM will not be managed.

    TOM behaves in this manner if the registry data set has been migrated and not recalled.  

    To avoid this situation BMC Software recommends that the site’s DFSMShsm administration be updated so that the TOM registry data set is not migrated.

  • Prepare a Started Task for TOM.

    For more information about how to prepare a started task for TOM, see the section Creating the MainView Total Object Manager start procedure.

To rename the TOM registry

  1. Stop all of the TOM PASs in the TOMPLEX.
  2. Use IDCAMS ALTER command to rename both the cluster and the data component of the registry data set.
  3. Edit BBPARM member MAMPLXxx to the new name.
  4. Restart each TOM PAS in the TOMPLEX.

    These tasks can also be accomplished through AutoCustomization steps, Specify TOM parameters and Create the TOM Start Procedure. See the MainView Customization Reference for instructions if you choose to manually perform these tasks.

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