Manually shutting down remaining objects

When TOM reports that shutdown processing is cancelled, some objects might not be stopped.

Failure to stop an object can occur for any of the following reasons:

  • An object is in SUSPEND mode and you must determine whether the object should be shut down and if it must be shut down, manually stop the object either from SDSF or by using a console command.

  • An object was defined with a dependency and that object has not been shut down.

  • During the shutdown process, one of the following error conditions occurred:

    • A Verify Stop condition was defined for an object, and a write-to-operator (WTOR) message was issued, but nobody replied to it.

    • A non-zero return code was returned from a pre-stop command that is associated with an object.

    • An invalid shutdown validation message, command, or ALERT ID was specified in the object’s definition.

    • Invalid or unresolvable variables were specified in the STOP command.

    • The STOP command timeout value was exceeded.

To find exceptions to the shutdown process

  1. On the TOBJO view, scroll right (PF11) until you find the Excptn column.
  2. Look for objects that display YES in the Excptn column.
  3. After identifying and correcting the exception, enter RES in the CMD field next to each object to take the object out of Exception mode (use the RUNSTAT option of the RESET command).
  4. Enter P or STO in the CMD field next to each object to manually stop the object.

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