MainView AutoOPERATOR for MQ solutions

This section describes how to use the MainView AutoOPERATOR for MQ solutions.

The MainView AutoOPERATOR solutions are primarily Rule-based and, therefore, easy to implement.

However, if your site does not have the IBM library for SAA REXX/370 installed and you plan to run the System Queue Archival solution, the Dead Letter Queue solution, or the Channel Availability solution, you must review the chapter titled 'Activating the REXX/370 Alternate Library' in the MainView AutoOPERATOR Customization Guide . These solutions require that either the SAA REXX/370 library or the REXX370/ alternate library be installed.

All of the Rules for these solutions are in Rule Sets AAORULBQ, AAORULBH, and AAORULBR. You must edit and enable the appropriate Rules before the solutions are usable.

In addition, ensure that the automation strategy for Rules is set to INDIVIDUAL and the Rule Sets AAORULBQ, AAORULBH, and AAORULBR each have a strategy set to ALL. For more information about how to set automation strategy for MainView AutoOPERATOR Rules and Rule Sets, refer to the MainView AutoOPERATOR Basic Automation Guide, Volume 1: Using Rules.


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