Limiting CICS transient data queues eligible for Rule processing (CAODTAB)

By default, MainView AutoOPERATOR for CICS intercepts any data written to any CICS extra partition transient data destination.

If customized to do so, MainView AutoOPERATOR for CICS also can intercept any data written to intrapartition destinations. It then runs its Rule Processor definitions to determine if a particular message should be intercepted and acted upon.

The default may be acceptable in a CICS system that does not send large amounts of user data to its transient data destinations. But if there is a large volume of data traffic, performance can be impacted.

If your CICS regions have a large volume of transient data traffic and you want to limit the names of the CICS transient data destinations that are eligible for the Rule Processor message interception, use the CAODTAB macro to generate a CICS transient data name table that can define which queue names are part of the table and that can

  • include only selected intrapartition transient data queue destinations

  • include only selected extrapartition transient data queue destinations

  • include both selected extrapartition and intrapartition transient data queue destinations

  • exclude only selected intrapartition transient data queue destinations

  • exclude only selected extrapartition transient data queue destinations

  • exclude both selected extrapartition and intrapartition transient data queue destinations

Refer to Using the CAODTAB macro for more information about how the CAODTAB macro works.

Any CICS extrapartition or intrapartition transient data destination name defined at your site can be specified for CAODTAB.

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