The IMSs event type is a subset event type of the IMS event type.

IMSs events appear on Rule Processor panels when the selection criteria for a Rule initiated by IMS specifies MLSEG Minor = SINGLE.

The IMSs event type applies to:

  • IMS multisegment messages (IMS messages sent in multisegment format through the AOI exit)

  • Command response segments to IMS commands issued from a MainView AutoOPERATOR EXEC with response

With IMSs events, the Rule treats each minor segment of the MLSEG as a separate entity, which means that each minor segment (or all of the minor segments) of the MLSEG can cause the Rule to fire.


For an IMS-initiated Rule, when you specify MLSEG Minor = SINGLE, you must also specify values for the selection criteria fields Text ID or Text String.

In addition, when you specify MLSEG Minor = SINGLE, the Rule cannot take the action of suppressing or rewording the message. Therefore, the action fields Display at Dest and Reword Msg (which normally appear for IMS Rules on the Action Specification panel), do not appear when you specify MLSEG Minor = SINGLE.

BMC Software recommends that you use the &LINE2_WORDn variables on the Variable Dependencies panel so that you can create Rules that filter out unwanted minor segments where

  • &LINE2 resolves to each and every minor segment of the MLSEG (&LINE1 contains the contents of the major segment)

    Therefore, with MLSEG Minor = SINGLE specified as selection criteria, the Rule Processor resolves the &LINE1 variable as the major segment and each minor segment is resolved as &LINE2 no matter where a specific minor segment appears within the entire MLSEG.

  • WORDn resolves to words on the first (major) segment

  • &LINE2_WORDn resolves to each word of the segment

MLSEG Minor = SINGLE should be specified only in IMS Rules that need to access a minor segment in the Rule and take actions, other than Journal=YES. The Journal=YES action logs the complete multisegment messages to the Journal by default when MLSEG Minor is not specified.

See Example 2: creating a Rule where MLSEG Minor = SINGLE for an example.

See Selecting INDIVIDUAL for information about this event type and the automation strategy INDIVIDUAL.

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