IMFJNUM option and seven-digit JES job numbers (z/OS version 1.2 and later)

On z/OS v1.2 and later, JES2 and JES3 can have job numbers greater than 65,534. JES2 and JES3 can operate in either the old 'five-digit' mode or the new 'seven-digit' mode. With this support, you can have numbers up to 999,999 with room to expand one digit further.

For more information about JES2, refer to the $ACTIVATE and $T JOBDEF,RANGE=(xx,yy) commands. For more information about JES3, refer to the OPTIONS initialization statements and review the JOBNO= specification. More information is also available in the JES2 and JES3 migration manuals.

The following examples show the old five-digit format (representative, maximum, minimum):




The following examples show the new seven-digit format (representative, maximum, minimum):




You must set the AAOPRMxx option IMFJNUM=V to support job numbers greater than 99,999. The default is IMFJNUM=V. The new setting will be effective after the next warm start of the BBI-PAS. New customers should specify the AAOPRMxx option IMFJNUM=V immediately.

When the IMFJNUM option is not specified or is set to 5, the following statements are true:

  • The variable IMFJNUM, which is available to both Rules and Rule-Initiated EXECs, is a fixed length five-digit field. The possible values are 1 to 99,999.

  • IMFJNUM is set to null for events where the JES job number is greater than 99,999.

  • A highlighted warning WTO (AU6020W) message is issued the first time MainView AutoOPERATOR detects a seven-digit mode job number that is between 1 and 99,999. This WTO message warns you that the seven-digit job number is incompatible with MainView AutoOPERATOR.

  • A highlighted error WTO (AU6021E) message is issued the first time MainView AutoOPERATOR detects a job number greater than 99,999.

When the IMFJNUM option is set to V, the following statements are true:

  • The variable IMFJNUM, which is available to both Rules and Rule-Initiated EXECs, is a variable length field without leading zeros.

  • IMFJNUM=V supports all versions of JES.

  • IMFJNUM=V supports both five-digit and seven-digit numbers.

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