Generating early or interim WTOs

This section describes how to automate write-to-operator messages (WTOs) that are issued:
  • After IPL but before MainView AutoOPERATOR is started. These are called early WTOs.

  • While MainView AutoOPERATOR is not active (such as when you restart MainView AutoOPERATOR with a WARM start). These are called interim WTOs.


This requires that you have BMC MainView Automation (product code MVN) active in the MainView AutoOPERATOR BBI-SS PAS.

MainView AutoOPERATOR sees the captured WTOs as HWTO (Historical WTO) events. You can use Rules to perform delayed automation with these events. HWTO event Rules are similar to MSG events. MSG events are WTOs that occur while MainVIew AutoOPERATOR is active. The Rule Processor sees WTOs that are collected when MainView AutoOPERATOR is briefly inactive as history (or HWTO) events.

For information about creating Rules for HWTO events, see theMainView AutoOPERATOR Basic Automation Guide Volume 1: Using Rules.

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