Controlling tape activity with TapeSHARE

This section introduces the TapeSHARE workstation.

The TapeSHARE application includes theTapeSHARE Workstation panel that allows you to monitor and control all tape device sharing activity. This panel shows tape sharing activity for all z/OS images that are in the TapeSHARE PLEX.

On the MainView AutoOPERATOR Primary Option Menu panel, select Option 6 TapeSHARE to display the TapeSHARE Workstation panel.

Figure 1. MainView AutoOPERATOR Primary Option Menu

---------------------------- MAINVIEW AutoOPERATOR ----------------------------
OPTION  ===>                                               DATE   -- YYYY/MM/DD
                                                           TIME   -- 18:07:37  
   Operator Workstations                                   USERID -- BAOMXY1   
      1  ALERTS       ALERT Management                     MODE   -- ISPF 6.0  
      2  MVS          OS/390 or z/OS Resources                                 
      3  CICS         CICS Resources                                           
      4  IMS          IMS Resources                                            
      5  NETVIEW      NetView Resources                                        
      6  TAPESHARE    Tape Drive Management                                    
      7  MQ           IBM MQ                                             
      8  AUTOMATION   Basic and Advanced Automation                            
      9  PARMS        Dynamic Parameter Manager                                
   General Services                                                            
      C  CYCLE        Service Refresh Cycle Setup                              
      J  JOURNAL      Journal Log                                              
      G  LOGJRNL      Journal Log (Windows Mode)                               
      M  MESSAGES     Messages and Codes                                       
      P  PERFORMANCE  Performance and History (Windows Mode)                   
                      Copyright BMC Software, Inc. 2014

Figure 2. TapeSHARE workstation panel

BMC Software --------------- TapeSHARE Workstation -------------- AutoOPERATOR
COMMAND ===>                                                 TGT  --- TSHE
Interval ==> 3                                               DATE --- YY/MM/DD
Commands: (ON)line, PATH, ALL, SORT, UNSORT, MULTi, (NOT)on  TIME --- 12:37:14
                             Performance Statistics
   Allocation Requests          7            Requests satisfied           5
   Total Tape Requests          6            Average Time per Take        2
   TapeSHARE Partners           4            Partner(s) not responding    2
--------------------------------- Drive Status --------------------------------
 LC CMDS --- (GE)t, (ON)line, (OF)fline, (UN)load, (MO)unt
             (NOG)ive, (GI)ve, (NOT)ake, (TA)ke
    Addr  Volser  Status    G-St T-St  Pref  Jobname  Type   Sys  Gives Takes
    ____  ______  ________  _________  ___   ________ ____   ____
___ 04C1          ON-AVAIL  NORM-NORM                 349S   SYSF     0    2
___ 04E0          ON-AVAIL  NORM-NORM                 349S   SYSE     1    0
___ 04E1  800106  ON-BUSY   NORM-NORM        DC$HSME  349S   SYSE     1    0
   ************************** END OF REQUESTS *****************************

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