Console command CMD subcommands

The CMD subcommands are described in the following table with full command syntax and notes about the syntax notation.

All keywords can be abbreviated to the minimum unambiguous length. The uppercase letters in the keywords must be specified. The lowercase letters in the keywords are optional. You can separate keywords with commas or spaces. All keywords that have values can be specified as

Keyword = value or Keyword (value)

List of TOM console command CMD subcommands

CMD sub-command

Format of the console command



F tom,CMd ACTBase Base(name)


  • ACTBASE activates an alternate definition or calendar definition base on all of the members of a TOMPLEX.

  • Type represents a calendar or definition base.


F tom,CMd ACTIvate

Object(name)|Set(name) |ALL













  • ACTIVATE places an object (or set of objects) into the control of TOM.

  • The ALL parameter ensures that all of objects in the definition base are under the control of TOM. The OBJECT and SET parameters are ignored when ALL is specified.
  • (optional) NOTE allows you to specify a reason for the action taken. By default, this parameter is optional but is required when you specify OPER_NOTE_REQUIRED=YES in BBPARM member MAMINIxx.

    If NOTE(‘xxx’) is required but if it is not specified, then the request is rejected. Error message MAMOD2035E is added to the log.

  • (optional) OPT allows you to identify which actions for the named object are to be activated. 

  • (optional) HOST specifies the system for IPLLEVEL, MANAGE, or EVAL. HOST is not valid with Object, Set or ALL.

    This keyword cannot be combined with the Object or Set keywords.

  • (optional) MANAGE instructs TOM to resume managing objects. If TOM determines that an object needs to be started or stopped then the appropriate command in the object's definition will be used.

This keyword cannot be combined with the Object or Set keywords

  • (optional) EVAL instructs TOM to resume running evaluation cycles. This causes TOM to start or stop objects as needed. This keyword cannot be combined with the Object or Set keywords.

  • (optional) IPLLEVEL enables the use of IPLLEVEL after the TOM PAS was started with IPLL=N or after the SUSPEND IPLLEVEL command was issued. It allows the use of the START or STOP IPLLEVEL commands. This keyword cannot be combined with the Object or Set keywords.

  • (optional) DEFBASE specifies the name of the definition base where the named object or set resides.

  • (optional) SYSPLEX specifies the name of the sysplex where the named object or set resides.


F tom,CMd Block Object(name)|Set(name)

Host(host) CMDNumber(nnn) NOTe('xxx')

  • BLOCK makes the object or set unavailable for starting on the selected system until the object or set status is manually reset. The status of the object is BLOCKED on the selected system.

  • (optional) HOST specifies the system where TOM will block the object.

  • (optional) CMDNUMBER specifies the number of the STOP command to use when multiple commands are defined.

  • (optional) NOTE allows you to specify a reason for the action taken. By default this parameter is optional but is required when you specify OPER_NOTE_REQUIRED=YES in BBPARM member MAMINIxx.

    If NOTE(‘xxx’) is required but is not specified then the request is rejected. Error message MAMOD2035E is written to the log.


F tom,CMd Bounce Object(name) Host(host) [FullAuto] [EVENTWAIT(YES|NO)] NOTe('xxx')

F tom,CMd Bounce Set(name) [FullAuto] NOTe('xxx')

  • BOUNCE quickly brings down and restarts an object or set without affecting dependent objects.

  • (optional) FULLAUTO Specify whether TOM bounces the object and schedules any of the following with the object:

    • pre-start or post-start commands

    • pre-stop or post-stop commands

  • (optional) HOST specifies the system where TOM will block the object.

  • (optional) EVENTWAIT Specify YES and TOM waits for the object's stop event before processing post-stop and pre-start commands and restarting the object.

    Specify NO to indicate that TOM does not wait for the object's stop event before processing any post-stop commands, any pre-start commands and restarting the object

  • (optional) NOTE allows you to specify a reason for the action taken. By default this parameter is optional but is required when you specify OPER_NOTE_REQUIRED=YES in BBPARM member MAMINIxx.

    If NOTE(‘xxx’) is required but is not specified then the request is rejected. Error message MAMOD2035E is written to the log.


F tom,CMd Lock Object(name)|Set( name)

Host(host) CMDNumber(nnn) NOTe('xxx')

  • LOCK makes the object or set unavailable for starting on the selected system until the next system IPL. The status of the object or set is LOCKED on the selected system.

  • (optional) Host specifies the system where TOM will block the object.

  • (optional) CMDNUMBER specifies the number of the STOP command to use when multiple commands are defined.

  • (optional) NOTE allows you to specify a reason for the action taken. By default this parameter is optional but is required when you specify OPER_NOTE_REQUIRED=YES in BBPARM member MAMINIxx.

    If NOTE(‘xxx’) is required but is not specified then the request is rejected. Error message MAMOD2035E is written to the log.


F tom,CMd Move Object(name)|Set(name)

Host(host) Tohost(tohost) NOTe('xxx')




  • MOVE stops the object or set on the system where it is running and starts it on the specified target system.

  • (optional) Host represents the name of a system listed in the object’s valid systems list to move the object from. Do not use Host( ) with Set( ).

  • Tothost is the name of a target system listed in the object’s valid systems list where TOM moves the object or set.

  • (optional) NOTE allows you to specify a reason for the action taken. By default this parameter is optional but is required when you specify OPER_NOTE_REQUIRED=YES in BBPARM member MAMINIxx.

    If NOTE(‘xxx’) is required but is not specified then the request is rejected. Error message MAMOD2035E is written to the log.

  • MOVEDEPS stops the object and its children in dependency order. The objects have a status of BLOCKED (or LOCKED if RESNEXTIPL is specified) on the system they are being moved from, and a status of PENDING on the target system. TOM starts the objects in dependency order on the target system.

  • MOVEINACT allows you start an inactive object on the target system. Use MOVEINACT with MOVEDEPS to move an inactive object (and its children) from one system to another system. TOM starts the moved objects in dependency order.

  • RESNEXTIPL determines if the status of moving objects will be BLOCKED or LOCKED on all of the systems listed in their VSL (except for the target system). If you specify RESNEXTIPL, TOM sets the status to LOCKED. If you do not specify RESNEXTIPL, TOM sets the status to BLOCKED.


F tom,CMd Reset


Resetopt([ALl]| [ABendct] [Forced] [Inflight] [STARtcmdct] [STATus] [Runstat] [SUspend] [OMode] ) [CNTLMODE] [IPLOCCUR] | [Oper]

Scope ([All]| [Children] [Parents] [NONE]) NOTe('xxx')


  • For information about the available parameters, see the syntax description for the TOMEXEC RESET command in RESET function.


F tom,CMd SHUTSEt Set(name) NOTe('xxx')

  • SHUTSET shuts down objects within sets in an orderly way.

  • (optional) NOTE allows you to specify a reason for the action taken. By default this parameter is optional but is required when you specify OPER_NOTE_REQUIRED=YES in BBPARM member MAMINIxx.

    If NOTE(‘xxx’) is required but is not specified then the request is rejected. Error message MAMOD2035E is written to the log.


F tom,CMd SHUTSYs Host(host),[LOCK] NOTe('xxx')

  • SHUTSYS shuts down all objects of a system in an orderly way.

  • host represents the name of the z/OS system where you want to stop all objects.

  • (optional) LOCK when specified, TOM bypasses any attempt to restart the objects on alternate systems that have been defined as valid systems for the objects

  • (optional) NOTE allows you to specify a reason for the action taken. By default this parameter is optional but is required when you specify OPER_NOTE_REQUIRED=YES in BBPARM member MAMINIxx.

    If NOTE(‘xxx’) is required but is not specified then the request is rejected. Error message MAMOD2035E is written to the log.

If LOCK is not specified, TOM attempts to startup the objects on alternate systems that have been defined as valid systems for the object.


F tom,CMd STArt Object(name)|Set(name) | IPLLEVEL, Host(host) [,Fullauto][,FOrce] [,NOForce][,Resnextipl][,NOResnextipl]

[,Bypasscmdct] [,UNLOCKDeps]





  • START starts an object (or set). If you specify IPLLEVEL, TOM starts the next level of objects.

    You cannot use IPLLEVEL with Object or Set. Only the NOTE or HOST parameters can be specified with IPLLEVEL.

  • (optional) FULLAUTO specifies whether TOM should schedule the pre-start and post-start commands.

  • (optional) HOST specifies the system where TOM will block the object.

  • (optional) FORCE specifies that TOM force-starts the object to make it ACTIVE, ignoring the defined schedules and dependencies.

  • (optional) NOFORCE specifies that TOM starts an object with LOCKED or BLOCKED status. TOM can also reset the object on the system from the VSL that is specified by the HOST keyword if its schedule and dependency criteria are satisfied.

  • (optional) RESNEXTIPL removes the object from Forced status after the next IPL and resume control based on the object’s schedule and dependency definitions.

  • (optional) NORESNEXTIPL specifies that the TOM sets the object status to ACTIVE at the next IPL. If FORCE is specified TOM ignores defined schedules and dependencies.

  • (optional) BYPASSCMDCT starts object without checking whether the command count specified in the object's definition has been exceeded (on the Maximum Start Count field of the object ADD or EDIT dialog).

  • (optional) UNLOCKDeps changes the status from LOCKED to STOPPED in all of the valid system list entries for each descendant of the object being started.

    UNLOCKDeps is useful when the object to be started was stopped using the LOCKDeps option. If UNLOCKDeps is not specified then the descendants that were stopped using LOCKDeps will remain in a LOCKED status and will not be started by TOM.

  • (optional) CMDNUMBER specifies the number of the START command to use when multiple commands are defined.

  • (optional) CMDLabel starts the object with the START commands (pre-start, start, post-start, retry-start) that match the label specified by this parameter value. If there are pre-start, start, post-start, retry-start commands that are not labeled, they are also used.

  • (optional) OMODE starts the object in operating mode (OMODE) with the START sequence commands (pre-start, start, post-start, retry-start) that match the label specified by this parameter value.

  • (optional) NOTE allows you to specify a reason for the action taken. By default this parameter is optional but is required when you specify OPER_NOTE_REQUIRED=YES in BBPARM member MAMINIxx.

    If NOTE(‘xxx’) is required but is not specified then the request is rejected. Error message MAMOD2035E is written to the log.


F tom,CMd STOp Object(‘name’)|Set(‘name’) IPLLEVEL, Host(‘host’) [,Fullauto][,Resnextipl]

[,Hold][,BYpasscntl] [,BYPASSSTRENGTH]








  • STOP stops an object (or set). If you specify IPLLEVEL, TOM stops the current level of objects.

    You cannot use IPLLEVEL with Object or Set. Only the NOTE or HOST parameters can be specified with IPLLEVEL.

  • (optional) FULLAUTO specifies whether TOM should schedule the pre-stop and post-stop commands with the object.

  • (optional) RESNEXTIPL removes the object from Forced status after the next IPL and resume control based on the object’s schedule and definitions.

  • (optional) HOST specifies the system where TOM will block the object.

  • HOLD prevents TOM from issuing stop commands for the dependents of the named object or set.

  • TOPTOBOTTOM stops the named object first. Any children of this object will, depending on relationship strength, stop after the named object.

  • (optional) BYPASSCNTL allows issuing STOP command for objects in SUSPENDed status.

  • (optional) BYPASSSTRENGTH allows bypassing (or skipping) the dependency strength check during a bottom-to-top STOP.

  • BOTTOMTOTOP determines the children of the named object. This keyword stops those objects in dependency order before the named object is stopped.

  • (optional) CMDNUMBER specifies the number of the STOP command to use when multiple commands are defined.

  • (optional) CMDLabel stops the object with the STOP commands (pre-stop. stop, post-stop, retry-stop) that match the label specified by this parameter value. If there are pre-stop. stop, post-stop, retry-stop commands that are not labeled, they are also used.

  • (optional) FORCE stops the object regardless of its status. For more information about using this subcommand, see the description of the FORCE parameter in the section STOP function.

  • (optional) RESOmode resets the operating mode (OMODE) of the object. When you specify this parameter, the OMODE is reset for an object and TOM might start or stop any objects that specify the @OMODE dependency property and depend on the object being stopped. This command resets only the OMODE setting for the Valid System List (VSL) entry where TOM is stopping the object.

  • (optional) NOTE allows you to specify a reason for the action taken. By default this parameter is optional but is required when you specify OPER_NOTE_REQUIRED=YES in BBPARM member MAMINIxx.

    If NOTE(‘xxx’) is required but is not specified then the request is rejected. Error message MAMOD2035E is written to the log.

  • (optional) LOCKDEPS implies that a BOTTOMTOTOP (dependency order) stop will take place. The status of the children of the object will be set to LOCKED instead of STOPPED. Objects that are not ACTIVE are not affected by this stop.

    LOCKDEPS is useful for preventing the children from being automatically started by TOM after the dependency order STOP completes in case a complex dependency formula might be satisfied by a different parent of the child.


F tom,CMd SUspend Object(name)|

Set(name) | ALL













  • SUSPEND takes an object or set of objects out of TOM's control.

  • The ALL parameter will ensure that all of objects in the definition base are under the control of TOM. The OBJECT and SET parameters are ignored when ALL is specified.
  • (optional) NOTE allows you to specify a reason for the action taken. By default, this parameter is optional but is required when you specify OPER_NOTE_REQUIRED=YES in BBPARM member MAMINIxx.

    If NOTE(‘xxx’) is required but is not specified then the request is rejected. Error message MAMOD2035E is added to the log.

  • (optional) OPT allows you to identify which actions for the named object are to be suspended.  

  •  (optional) HOST specifies the system for IPLLEVEL, MANAGE, or EVAL. It is not valid with Object, Set, or ALL.

     This keyword cannot be combined with the Object or Set keywords.

  • (optional) MANAGE instructs TOM to suspend managing objects. If TOM determines that an object needs to be started or stopped, then no action will be taken. This keyword cannot be combined with the Object or Set keywords.

  • (optional) EVAL instructs TOM to halt running evaluation cycles. This will cause TOM to not start/stop objects as needed. This keyword cannot be combined with the Object or Set keywords.

  • (optional) IPLLEVEL enables the use of IPLLEVEL after the TOM PAS was started with IPLL=N or after the SUSPEND IPLLEVEL command was issued. It allows the use of the START or STOP IPLLEVEL commands. This keyword cannot be combined with the Object, Set, or ALL keywords.

  • (optional) DEFBASE specifies the name of the definition base where the named object or set resides.
  • (optional) SYSPLEX specifies the name of the sysplex where the named object or set resides.            


F tom,CMd UNBlock Object(name)|Set(name) Host(host) CMDNumber(nnn) NOTe('xxx')

  • UNBLOCK reverses the BLOCK command.

  • (optional) HOST specifies the system where TOM will block the object.

  • (optional) CMDNUMBER sspecifies the number of the START command to use when multiple commands are defined.

  • (optional) NOTE allows you to specify a reason for the action taken. By default this parameter is optional but is required when you specify OPER_NOTE_REQUIRED=YES in BBPARM member MAMINIxx.

    If NOTE(‘xxx’) is required but is not specified then the request is rejected. Error message MAMOD2035E is written to the log.


F tom,CMd UNLock Object(name)|Setname) Host(host) CMDNumber(nnn) NOTe('xxx')

  • UNLOCK reverses the LOCK command.

  • (optional) HOST specifies the system where TOM will block the object.

  • (optional) CMDNUMBER specifies the number of the START command to use when multiple commands are defined.

  • (optional) NOTE allows you to specify a reason for the action taken. By default this parameter is optional but is required when you specify OPER_NOTE_REQUIRED=YES in BBPARM member MAMINIxx.

    If NOTE(‘xxx’) is required but is not specified then the request is rejected. Error message MAMOD2035E is written to the log.

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