BBPARM member AAOALS00 parameters

BBPARM member AAOALS00 is used by all MainView AutoOPERATOR products to define limits for extended storage for ALERTs on your system.


This member supports system variables substitution. For more information, see System variables substitution in parameter library members.

For information about using the ALERTs application, refer to the MainView AutoOPERATOR Basic Automation Guide, Volume 2; for information about using the MainView AutoOPERATOR Dynamic Parameter Manager application to update the parameters in AAOALS00, refer to ALERT thresholds in AAOALSxx.

The following table lists the parameters for AAOALS00.





(optional) specifies whether MainView AutoOPERATOR logs all ALERT activity to MainView Logger so that it can be used for review or auditing purposes

If this keyword is set to YES then the ALRTLOG view will be available in windows-mode for viewing the alert log.

The MVLOGSS parameter in BBPARM member BBISSP00 specifies the SSID of the MainView Logger for the ALERT log records.


(optional) specifies if MainView AutoOPERATOR uses XCF connectivity to pass ALERT actions to remote targets when XCF connectivity exists, and therefore only uses BBI-SS PAS VTAM communication links when XCF connectivity is not available

ALERT actions are sent to a remote PAS through XCF connectivity only when the remote BBI-SS PAS is in the same SYSPLEX and XCFGROUP. Use the BBPARM member BBISSPxx parameter XCFGROUP=xxxx to specify the XCFGROUP used by the BBI-SS PAS. ALERTs directed to a remote BBI-SS PAS that is not in the same XCFGROUP and SYSPLEX continue to use the BBI-SS VTAM communication links.

The default is YES. When this statement is not specified, MainView AutoOPERATOR uses XCF connectivity.

Specify ALERTXCF=NO to use BBI-SS PAS VTAM communication links as defined in BBPARM members BBIJNTxx and BBINODxx.


If you are running a version of MainView AutoOPERATOR earlier than release 6.5.00, the BBI-SS PAS of these earlier releases will receive ALERT actions through XCF connectivity from MainView AutoOPERATOR version 6.5.xx (and later) BBI-SS PASs. You do not have make any changes. However, versions of MainView AutoOPERATOR earlier than version 6.5.xx will continue to send ALERT actions to remote BBI-SS PASs through a VTAM communication link.


specifies options for auditing the life cycle of an ALERT

The default is NONE. Valid values are as follows

  • ALL: All stages of an ALERT’s life cycle will be audited.

  • NONE: No auditing will be performed.

  • ADD: Generate an audit message when an ALERT is created with the ADD keyword.

  • ESCAL: Generate an audit message when an ALERT’s priority escalates.

  • DELETE: Generate an audit message when an ALERT is deleted with the DELETE keyword.

Audit messages are generated into the BBI Journal.

MAXSTOR=[0 | nnnnn]

maximum amount of BBI-SS PAS private virtual storage to be allocated to ALERTs

Storage is allocated in kilobytes. The default is 0, which means ALERTs are allocated without regard to the amount of virtual storage they occupy. BMC Software strongly recommends that you set this number to a value greater than 0.

For example, a value of 2000 K means that you can store about 7800 ALERTs. Use the MainView AutoOPERATOR ALERT Statistics panel to estimate the average size of an ALERT on your system.

Possible values range from 0 to 99999. A value of 0 means that no checking is done.

WARNLVL1=[60 | nn]

first warning threshold level for queued ALERTs when the MAXSTOR parameter is set to a value greater than 0 K

The default is 60%, which means that if MAXSTOR=1000, the warning message (AU6100W) is issued when the amount of virtual storage that is allocated to queued ALERTs reaches 600 K.

Possible values range from 0 to 99.

WARNLVL2=75 | nn

second warning threshold level for queued ALERTs when the MAXSTOR parameter is set to a value greater than 0 K

The default is 75%, which means that if MAXSTOR=1000, the warning message (AU6100W) is issued when the amount of virtual storage allocated to queued ALERTs reaches 750 K.

Possible values range from 0 to 99.

Important ALERTs are not generated when ALERT storage usage reaches 100%.


default setting for the RETAIN keyword for MainView AutoOPERATOR ALERTs

ALERTs that are retained are written and saved to disk and therefore, exist across BBI-SS PAS restarts and system z/OS IPLs.

When you are creating ALERTS (using the IMFEXEC ALERT statement, the Rules Processor ALERT panels, the AOEXEC ALERT statement, and so on) and you do not explicitly specify a setting for the RETAIN keyword, the ALERTNV parameter allows you to specify whether the default setting should be RETAIN(NO) or RETAIN(YES).

For example, for ALERTs that do not specify the RETAIN keyword:

  • when the ALERTNV parameter is not specified or is specified as NO, RETAIN(NO) is used as the default.

  • when ALERTNV=YES is specified, RETAIN(YES) is used as the default.

Regardless of which setting you specify for the ALERTNV parameter, you can override the setting when you create a specific ALERT, where the RETAIN=YES or RETAIN=NO keyword is explicitly set. When you override this setting, only that ALERT is retained across BBI-SS PAS restarts and z/OS IPLs.


When an ALERT is targeted to a different BBI-SS PAS, by default, the ALERT retains the ALERTNV setting of the target BBI-SS PAS.

Changing the ALERTNV setting takes effect only after a BBI-SS PAS warm or cold start.

The default is NO.


default for the PUBLISH parameter when creating/deleting MainView AutoOPERATOR ALERTs

Specifies whether an ALERT is published and how it is published to connected PATROL Enterprise Manager workstations or to BMC Impact Manager cells that have been customized to receive ALERTs through the General Message Exchange (GME). Settings for GME are defined in BBPARM member AAOGME00.

Possible values are as follows:

  • ADD: Send ALERTs but do not override previously published ALERTs; does not apply to ADAPTOR connections

  • REPLACE: Send ALERTs but delete previously published ALERTs that had the same Key and Queue before new ALERT is published; does not apply to ADAPTOR connections

  • NO: Do not send ALERTs

The default is ADD.

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