Accessing windows-mode displays for CICS resources

The full-screen operator console displays (OCDs) of the MainView AutoOPERATOR for CICS option are also available as windows-mode views.

Specify the name of a BBI-SS PAS that is running MainView AutoOPERATOR with a CAS with the CASID keyword in BBPARM member BBISSPxx. See the MainView AutoOPERATOR Basic Automation Guide, Volume 2 for more information about using windows-mode views.

To access MainView AutoOPERATOR for CICS windows-mode

  1. On the MainView AutoOPERATOR primary option menu, enter option P (Performance and History (Windows Mode):

    Figure 1. MainView AutoOPERATOR primary option menu

    ---------------------------- MainView AutoOPERATOR ----------------------------
     OPTION  ===>                                               DATE   -- YYYY/MM/DD
                                                                TIME   -- 16:37:28  
        Operator Workstations                                   USERID -- BAOMXY1   
           1  ALERTS       ALERT Management                     MODE   -- ISPF 6.0  
           2  MVS          OS/390 or z/OS Resources                                 
           3  CICS         CICS Resources                                           
           4  IMS          IMS Resources                                            
           5  NETVIEW      NetView Resources                                        
           6  TAPESHARE    Tape Drive Management                                    
           7  MQ           IBM MQ                                             
           8  AUTOMATION   Basic and Advanced Automation                            
           9  PARMS        Dynamic Parameter Manager                                
        General Services                                                            
           C  CYCLE        Service Refresh Cycle Setup                              
           J  JOURNAL      Journal Log                                              
           G  LOGJRNL      Journal Log (Windows Mode)                               
           M  MESSAGES     Messages and Codes                                       
           P  PERFORMANCE  Performance and History (Windows Mode)                   
                           Copyright BMC Software, Inc. 2009

    The EZAO easy menu is displayed.

    Figure 2. AutoOPERATOR EZ Menu (EZAO)

    DDMMMYYYY  16:39:15 ------------- MainView WINDOW INTERFACE (V6.0.00) ----------
    COMMAND  ===>                                                                   
    CURR WIN ===> 1        ALT WIN ===>                                             
     W1 =EZAO==========DL72=====*=======DDMMMYYYY==16:39:15====MVAO=====D====1===   
                                 --AutoOPERATOR EZ Menu--                           
      ---Automation Support---                              -Operator Workstations--
      >Automation Reporter       -----------------------    >z/OS Resources         
      >Tools and Stats           |  Place cursor on    |    >CICS Resources         
                                 |  choice and press   |    >IMS Resources         
      >Full-screen AutoOPERATOR  |       ENTER         |    .IBM MQ          
      -----Automation Log-----   ----MainView Logger----    --------Utility-------- 
      .Events-Only List          .Message Log               .List of Views          
      .All Events and Actions    .AutoOPERATOR Journal      .List of User Views     
      .Only Events w/ Actions    .Alert Log                 .List of Screens        
      .Events without Actions    .EXEC Message Log                                  
                                 .Event Replay Log          .Quit/Disconnect        
  2. To display the windows-mode views for CICS resources, place your cursor on the CICS Resouces hyperlink and press Enter. The EZAOCICS menu is displayed.

    Figure 3. CICS Resources menu (EZAOCICS)

    DDMMMYYYY  17:19:18 --------------- MainView WINDOW INTERFACE (V6.0.00) -----------
    COMMAND  ===>                                                                      
    CURR WIN ===> 1        ALT WIN ===>                                                
     W1 =EZAO=====EZAOCICS=DL72=====*========DDMMMYYYY==16:39:15====MVAO=====D====1====
                                -----CICS Resources-----                               
      ----CICS Workstation----                            --------Utility--------      
      .Region Status            -----------------------   .List of Views               
      .Transfer to BROADCAST    |  Place cursor on    |   .List of User Views          
      .Transfer to DATABASE     |  choice and press   |   .List of Screens             
      .Transfer to PROGRAM      |       ENTER         |                                
      .Transfer to REGIONS      -----------------------   .Quit/Disconnect             
      >Full-screen AO CICS OCD

    When the MainView for CICS product is also installed, clicking any CICS Workstation hyperlink on the EZAOCICS displays the corresponding view from the MainView for CICS product. If the MainView for CICS product is not installed, clicking an CICS Workstation hyperlink displays the full-screen MainView AutoOPERATOR for CICS OCD.

    The hyperlink Full-screen AO CICS OCD on the EZAOCICS menu displays the full-screen MainView AutoOPERATOR OCDs.

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