Supported environments

MainView SYSPROG Services operates as an authorized program within the MainView Product Address Space (PAS), as a TSO command within a TSO address space, as a batch job, as a Started Task, or from MainView AutoOPERATOR.
In this topic:




You can access MainView SYSPROG Services from a MainView User Address Space (UAS).

You can also use the MVS MODIFY command to enter MainView SYSPROG commands from a system console.


You can invoke MainView SYSPROG Services as a TSO command, in which case it operates in line mode.

Note: Before you can execute SYSPROG Services as a TSO command, you must add SYSPROG to the AUTHCMD and AUTHPGM lists in the IBM PARMLIB member IKJTSOxx. For more information, see the IBM publication MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference.

In addition, if SYSPROG Services is running with the MainView for z/OS product, you can use the SYSPROG AUTHTSO service to update the in-storage copies of those lists to enable the use of SYSPROG Services as a TSO command without having to perform a system IPL.

Started Task

You can also use the MVS MODIFY command to enter MainView SYSPROG Services commands from a system console.

Batch Job

You can also execute MainView SYSPROG Services in a non-conversational mode, with the input commands obtained from SYSIN and the output directed to SYSPRINT. To operate in this manner, specify PARM=BATCH on the EXEC statement.

For more information about the operation modes, see Independent operations.

About Services

Services are executed when you enter them and the results are returned directly to you.

A few of the services collect data over the interval you have requested, in which case the results are returned at the end of the interval. See Services.


The LOG and TRACK services run continuously and write the output to a data set.

About Exception Monitor samplers

Exception Monitor samplers execute continuously but produce output only when an exception condition is detected, according to the parameters that you specified when you started the Exception Monitor.

The manner in which warning messages are displayed depends upon the environment within which the Exception Monitor is operating. Messages can be retained in a data space for subsequent viewing using the WARN view, or they can be sent to the system console when you are operating under the Product Address Space (PAS).

Messages will be displayed on the system console when the AEW Exception Monitor is being executed as a Started Task.

You can also make exceptions available to the MainView Alert and MainView AutoOPERATOR products for processing. For more information, see the AEWALERT parameter in member $$INSYS0.

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