
The Product administration utility combines the main product administration functions under one view, called EZADMIN, as shown below.

COMMAND  ===>                                                 SCROLL ===> CSR  
CURR WIN ===> 1        ALT WIN ===>                                          
 W1 =EZADMIN===========SJSCMX61=*========DDMMMYYYY==HH:MM:SS====MVSPS====D==1=
  > Metric Information             Administration                             
     Parameter Management     +----------------------+    Filter Management   
  . All PARMLIB Members       |   Place cursor on    |  . List Active Filters 
  . Enablement (BBATSPxx)     |    menu item and     |  . Update Filters      
  . SYSPROG Early Warning     |     press ENTER      |                        
  . SYSPROG Filters           +----------------------+     Other Products     
                                                        . MainView for z/OS   
           General                                      . CMF MONITOR         
  . About                                               . MainView for USS    
  . What's New                . Return...                                     

Options on this menu are divided into these categories:

  • Parameter Management

    These options allow you to manage parameters, including all PARMLIB Members, SYSPROG Early Warning, and SYSPROG Filters.

  • Filter Management

    These options enable you to view and update filters.

  • Other Products

    These options enable you to navigate to the EZADMIN views of other products of the same family, including MainView for z/OS, CMF Monitor, and MainView for UNIX System Services.

  • General

    These options provide general information about recent changes to the product.

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