Converting JVM target definitions

Use the following procedure if you want to convert a version 2.1 target to a version 3.1 target.

  1. On EZJE, hyperlink on Convert Target Defs  under  Setup & Configuration


    If no targets are installed on your system, EZJE displays the Setup MJEJVM targets option instead of Convert Target Defs. For more information about creating new JVM targets, see Setting up JVM targets.

    The JVM Target Conversion Wizard is displayed.

                                JVM Target Conversion Wizard
    JOB Information                                                            
    Job Name           MJECIQ53                Jobname for JVMs             
    JMX Information    Suggested value                                                        
    JMX Protocol       JRMP                                        
    History            Y
    Health Center Information
    Add Default profile Y    (Y|N) Autotgt
    Health Center Port Scan                    HC Listner Port
    Security Suffix    00                      only valid with Port nnnn
    Garbage Collection          Y  (Y|N)
    Classes                     Y  (Y|N)
    Class Histogram             Y  (Y|N) * Interval 15 minutes *
    Object Allocation           O  (O|N)
    Event Only Mode             Y  
    z/OS Connect EE Information                                  
    HTTP Port          0     Used if MJESSL suffix is NO      
    HTTPS Port         0     requires MJESSL value            
    Security Suffix    NO    MJESSL suffix for this connection
    End to convert to MVJE 3.1 format                                                     
    Cancel to exit
    HELP to display help
  2. Complete the fields as described in the following table:

    FieldDefault valueDescription
    JOB Information
    Job NamejobNameJob name on which the target is set up
    JMX Information
    JMX Protocol= [JRMP | IIOP | REST]JRMP

    Connection protocol as defined in the target JVM for JMX connectivity

    Valid values are:

    • IIOP
    • JRMP
    • (PTF BPF0297 applied) REST


      If you specify JMX Protocol=REST, you must specify the following values:

      • For the JMX Port parameter, specify the HTTPS port for the Representational state transfer (REST) local interface.
      • For the Security Suffix parameter, specify the suffix of an SSL member containing security information for the REST server.
      • For more information, view the Quick Course MainView for Java Environments: Set MVJE and Liberty servers to gather JMX data using the REST interface Open link .
    History=[D | Y | N] D

    Whether to collect history data

    Note: The default value (D), uses the value specified for the MVHISTORY parameter in the MJEINI xx member.

    Health Center Information
    Add Default profile =[Y | N] YWhether to create a default profile in the converted target definition.
    A default profile enables automatically creating Health Center and IBM WebSphere Application Server targets.
    Health Center Port=[Scan | nnnnn]Scan

    Health Center port to which MainView for Java Environments should connect

    Valid values are:

    • Scan, the product scans the target address space for a listening Health Center port
    • nnnn, representing a user-specified four-digit port number


    (PTF BPF0297 applied) If you specified JMX Protocol=REST, and your port falls in the scan range between HCPORTSTART and HCPORTEND, specify Scan.

    Security Suffix=[NO | nn ]NOSuffix of the SSL member that you want the Health Center target to use

    Valid values are:

    • NO (the default), which adds SSL member MJESSLNO to the target. MJESSLNO contains no SSL parameters.

    • xx, representing a user-specified two-character suffix of an existing SSL member. Alternatively, if you want to create a new SSL member, specify a suffix for the new SSL member.

    Garbage Collection=[Y | N]YWhether to collect garbage information about Java heap and pause times
    Classes=[Y | N]YWhether to collect information about the Java classes being loaded and their usages

    Class Histogram=[Y | N]

    * Interval nn Minutes *

    Y, 15

    Whether to collect class histograms

    Valid values are:

    • Y (the default), collects class histograms at nn-minute intervals
    • N, does not collect class histograms
    Object Allocation =[O | N ] O

    Whether to collect out-of-line memory allocations

    Valid values are:

    • O (the default), collects all memory allocations within the JVM
    • N, does not collect memory allocations
    Event Only Mode =Y Y

    Whether the Health Center should operate in only event mode

    Note: You cannot modify this field.
    (PTF BPF0249 applied)  z/OS Connect EE Information
    HTTP Port= nnnnn0

    Port number for a http listener port

    The product uses this port if you specify Security Suffix=NO for the z/OS Connect EE target.

    HTTPS Port=nnnnn0

    Port number for a https listener port

    The product uses this port if you specify an SSL member for the z/OS Connect EE target.

    Security Suffix=[NO | xx]NO

    Suffix of the SSL member that you want to use for building z/OS Connect EE security properties for the JVM

    Valid values are:

    • NO (the default), which adds SSL member MJESSLNO to the target. MJESSLNO contains no SSL parameters.

    • xx, representing a two-character user-specified suffix of an existing SSL member. Alternatively, if you want to create a new SSL member, specify a suffix for the new SSL member.

  3. To install and save the target definition, enter E (End) on the COMMAND line.
    When EZJE returns, the Convert Target Defs  option has changed to  MJEJVM targets.

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