TSO variables supplied by MainView AutoOPERATOR

Table 1 lists the TSO variables that are provided by MainView AutoOPERATOR.

When using these variables in CLISTs, the variable must be preceded with an ampersand (&). For example, IMFACCTG should be used as &IMFACCTG.

Many of these variables are also be available for use by MainView AutoOPERATOR Rules.

For more information about variables and MainView AutoOPERATOR Rules, refer to the variables discussion in the MainView AutoOPERATOR Basic Automation Guide, Volume 1: Using Rules.

Table 1. Variables supplied by MainView AutoOPERATOR

Variable name


Applies to EXEC type


contains all accounting fields for a particular event

The accounting field values are separated by blanks. Maximum length is 142.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains a 16-character alphanumeric Alarm Group ID created by MainView Alarm Manager

Rule-initiated EXECs only


alarm ID associated with an alarm created by MainView Alarm Manager

Rule-initiated EXECs only


user-assigned priority of the alarm

Possible values are

  • 1 Critical

  • 2 Major

  • 3 Minor

  • 4 Warning

  • 5 Informational

  • 6 Clearing

Rule-initiated EXECs only


name of the queue to which the alarm was assigned

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains either Y (sound an alarm) or N (do not sound an alarm)

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains a 1 to 8 character Command and Response Token (CART) associated with an MVS command

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains a 16 byte hexadecimal version of the Command and Response Token (CART) associated with an MVS command

Rule-initiated EXECs only


condition code set for each IMFEXEC statement:

IMFCC = 00 normal completion

IMFCC = 04 warning condition, not necessarily an error

IMFCC = 08 exception condition or command not found

IMFCC = 12 error condition. Did not complete operation

IMFCC = 16 error condition

IMFCC = 20 severe error condition

Refer to the specific IMFEXEC statement for the exact codes.

all EXEC types


name of the console that issued the command

all EXEC types


name of the context of the alarm

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains the value of the message color as it was modified by the (Message Processing Facility (MPF) or a subsystem in the subsystem interface (SSI); valid values are as follows: RED, BLUE, PINK, GREEN, TURQUOISE, YELLOW, WHITE

If the message color is not modified, the value is blank.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains the LU name for SMCS consoles

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains the eight character owner ID for subsystem consoles

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains the console sub type

If the Console Type resolves to Special (IMFCTYPE=P), IMFCSTYP resolves to one of the following values:




  • JES3

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains the type of console:

M: Command or WTO was issued from or to an MCS console

  • S: SMCS console

  • E: EMCS console

  • U: Susbystem console

  • P: Special (see definition for the IMFCSTYP variable)

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains the date when the message was issued in the format that is specified on the IMFDATE parameter in BBPARM member AAOPRM00

The following list describes valid formats and an example of each:

  • YYYY/MM/DD; 2050/10/23

  • YYYYMMDD; 20501023

  • DD/MM/YYYY; 23/10/2050

  • DDMMYYYY; 23102050

  • MMDDYYYY; 10232050

  • MM/DD/YYYY; 10/23/2050

  • MMMDDYYYY; OCT232050

  • DDMMMYYYY; 23OCT2050

Rule-initiated EXECs only


three-character day of the week: MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN

all EXEC types


DDNAME specified by the user to generate an external events (EXT event type)

EXT events are generated by using the SUBSYS= parameter on a DD statement in JCL. Refer to the section titled 'EXT Events' in the MainView AutoOPERATOR Basic Automation Guide, Volume 1: Using Rules for more information about EXT events.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


DOM ID associated with a WTO that initiated an EXEC

Rule-initiated EXECs only


EXEC identification number, 1 to 99999, assigned to each execution by the EXEC manager

The EXEC Management application will not assign the same number to two EXECs in the running or deferred queues, except an EXEC selected with WAIT=(YES) has the same IMFEID as the calling EXEC.

When the EXEC identification number reaches 99999, the assigned number starts over at 1.

all EXEC types


name of EXEC

all EXEC types


list of routing codes that were assigned to the WTO that triggered the EXEC, such as 1 2 5 9

This variable is defined only for EXECs initiated as a result of a WTO. IMFEROUT supports routing codes up to 128.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


event type that caused the Rule to fire

If a Rule schedules an EXEC, IMFETYPE contains the value from the Rule that scheduled the EXEC. Possible values for IMFETYPE are as follows:

  • MSG

  • CICS

  • CMD

  • EOM

  • EOS

  • JRNL

  • IMS

  • ALRT

  • DB2

  • TIME

  • ALRM

  • EXT

  • VAR

  • MQS

  • NVC

  • NVM

  • TLM

  • BRC

  • HWTO

For more information about these event types, refer to 'Describing Events' in the MainView AutoOPERATOR Basic Automation Guide, Volume 1: Using Rules.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


number of Rules that have fired for a specific event

Rule-initiated EXECs only


set by the IMFEXEC EXIT command

The exit code must be a numeric value, up to four characters in length and can range from 0 to 9999.

all EXEC types


IBM RACF group ID for the address space that issued the message

The group ID is taken from the GROUP= parameter on the job card.

For commands issued from the console address space, the value for IMFGROUP is derived from the RACF RUTOKEN.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains the value of the message highlight level as it was modified by MPF or a subsystem in the SSI; valid values are as follows: NONE, BLINKING, REVERSE, UNDERLINE

If the message highlight level is not modified, the value is blank. A value NONE means the message was issued with no highlighting.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains a two-character value describing the type of IMS event

Valid value for this variable is RE. RE means that the event is a command response to IMS command issued from an EXEC with response. This value can be used to prevent automatic logging of the IMS command response to the Journal by the IMS Generic (or similar) Rule.

Specifying IMFIMTYP NE RE on the Variable Dependencies panel of an IMS event type Rule causes the Rule not to fire for responses to IMS command that are returned to and processed by an EXEC. Eliminating unnecessary logging to the Journal reduces the possibility of out- of-storage problems and loss of automation during periods when MainView AutoOPERATOR is processing a very large number of IMS response segments.

Rule-initiated EXECs only

This variable is available for IMS event type only.


contains the value of the message brightness as it was modified by MPF or a subsystem in SSI; valid values are as follows: HIGH or NORMAL

If the message brightness is not modified, the value is blank.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


indicates whether the job is canceled: Y means the job is canceled, N means canceled

The variable is valid only for the EOJ event.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


job class name from the job card of the batch job that has generated the message

Rule-initiated EXECs only


JES job number of the job, STC, or TSU that issued the message

It is a fixed length five-digit or a variable length value depending on the setting of the IMFJNUM option in member AAOPRM xx. IMFJNUM can also contain blanks (one or five characters as appropriate) for WTOs that are issued by non-JES tasks, such as an STC started under MSTR.

When IMFJNUM=V (the default setting) and the job number is greater than 99,999 (for example, T0100000, S0999999, and so on) are encountered, IMFJNUM will be null (zero length).

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains accounting information from the EXEC JCL statement

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains the condition code

Values can be S0xxx (system abend), Unnnn (user abend), FLUSH (steps were flushed), nnnn (numeric condition code).

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains the CPU time used by this job step, in hundredths of seconds

Value is zero (0) for EOJ.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains sequential number of this job step

Value is zero (0) for EOJ.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains the job step name

Value is blank for EOJ.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains the total amount of CPU time used by this job, in hundredths of seconds

Rule-initiated EXECs only


type of job issuing message:

  • J Batch Job

  • T TSO User

  • S Started Task

Rule-initiated EXECs only


name of the product associated with the alarm

Rule-initiated EXECs only


literal value associated with the alarm

Possible values can be START or STOP.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


user-specified user ID associated with the alarm

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains the value the AUTO parameter in SYS1.PARMLIB member MPFLSTxx

Use this variable to determine the value of the MPF AUTO keyword for a message.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains the value of the SUP parameter in SYS1.PARMLIB member MPFLSTxx

Use this variable to determine the value of the MPF SUP keyword for a message.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains the first word of the message (up to 16 characters) with any leading plus sign (+) that might be present stripped out of the word

This variable is available for MVS and DB2 event types only.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains a two-character variable for the message type

This variable is only for the CMD and MSG event types. Valid values for the first character are

  • N: A regular WTO

  • W: A regular WTOR

  • M: A major line of a multi-line WTO (MLWTO)

Valid values for the second character are

  • C: Command

  • R: Command response

Rule-initiated EXECs only


is associated with the NVC and NVM events types and contains the NetView user ID assigned to this event

Rule-initiated EXECs only


originating Address Space ID (ASID) of the message

For IMFEOM, the value is set to the ASID that is being terminated. For ORIGIN=JRNL, it is set to the subsystem ASID name.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


date when the message or alarm was issued

Valid only for messages captured through the Rule Processor.

The date format is in Julian calendar format; for example: 95.100, where

  • 95--are the last two digits of the year 1995.

  • 100--is the 100th day of the year. In a non-leap-year, this value is equal to March 10.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


list of descriptor codes assigned to the WTO that triggered the EXEC, such as 2 11

This variable is defined only for EXECs initiated as a result of a WTO.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


identifies the originating EXEC if the EXEC was scheduled by another EXEC using the IMFEXEC SELECT EXEC

This variable is not set if the EXEC is scheduled by some other means.



For WTOs, IMFOJOB contains the job or Started Task that issued the WTO.

For CICS messages, IMFOJOB contains the CICS region name that the subsystem issued the message for, which is useful when monitoring multiple CICS regions with one BBI-SS PAS.

For DB2 messages, IMFOJOB contains the DB2 region name that the subsystem issued the message for, which is useful when monitoring multiple DB2 regions with one BBI-SS PAS.

For IMS messages, IMFOJOB contains:

  • the IMS job name for IMS MTO messages

  • the IMS job name for commands (and their responses) entered from MainView AutoOPERATOR

  • the originating LTERM for commands (and their responses) entered from an IMS LTERM

For BBI-SS PAS Journal messages issued by an EXEC, IMFOJOB contains the user ID of the person who scheduled the EXEC.

For Journal messages issued by MainView for DB2, IMFOJOB contains the name of the DB2 Region for which the message was issued.

For Time-initiated EXECs, IMFOJOB contains the user ID associated with that EXEC. This ID may be the user ID passed on the command or it may default to the value of the AUTOID keyword that is specified in BBPARM member BBIISP00.

all EXEC types


CICS transient data queue name if source of message is CICSTD

Rule-initiated EXECs only


origin of EXEC-Job name/USERID causing EXEC to be scheduled

See Determining the origin of a command or EXEC for a discussion about using IMFORGN to determine the origin of an EXEC across BBI-SS PASs.

all EXEC types


BBI subsystem ID of the BBI-SS PAS that originated an EXEC

If originated locally, IMFORGSS is the same as QIMFID.

See Determining the origin of a command or EXEC for a discussion about using IMFORGN to determine the origin of an EXEC across BBI-SS PASs.

all EXEC types


list of routing codes that were assigned to the WTO that triggered the EXEC, such as 1 2 5 9

This variable is defined only for EXECs initiated as a result of a WTO. IMFOROUT supports routing codes up to 16.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


time when the message was issued

Valid only for messages (also known as events) captured through the Rule Processor.

The valid form of the variable is hh:mm:ss for all Rule event types except for the MSG event type. For MSG events, the valid form of the variable is hh.mm.ss.

For the ALRM events, the time represents the time the exception occurred.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


PCMD associated with the alarm

Rule-initiated EXECs only


one- to 255-character code received from an EXEC that issues the IMFEXEC POST command against an ECB with the same name that the current EXEC is waiting on



contains the dispatching priority of the currently running EXEC after the IMFEXEC CHAP command has been issued

all EXECs


return code set by a called EXEC with IMFEXEC SELECT WAIT(YES) or the return code set by a non-MainView AutoOPERATOR command or program

The return code set by a non-MainView AutoOPERATOR command (such as ALLOCATE or FREE) is meaningful only if the command has executed successfully and &IMFCC is returned as 0.

Refer to Understanding completion codes for EXEC-Initiated EXECs with WAIT(YES) and User-Written programs for a more detailed discussion.

EXEC-initiated EXECs only


reply ID of the WTOR message

Valid only for messages captured through the Rule Processor

Rule-initiated EXECs only


number of times a Rule was fired

Rule-initiated EXECs only


Rule identifier that fired an EXEC

Rule-initiated EXECs only


number of times the Rules search criteria was matched

Rule-initiated EXECs only


name of the Rule Set to which the Rule belongs

Rule-initiated EXECs only


Rule status:

  • TEST:Indicates that the status of the Rule that scheduled the EXEC is in a TEST state.

  • ACTIVE:Indicates that the status of the Rule that scheduled the EXEC is in ACTIVE state.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


RACF user ID for the address space that issued the message

The user ID is taken from the USER= parameter on the job card.

For commands issued from the console address space, the value for IMFRUSER is derived from the RACF RUTOKEN.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


name of the scope associated with the alarm

Rule-initiated EXECs only


step name that triggered the Rule

Rule-initiated EXECs only


address space STOKEN

This name is unique for the life of the IPL.

Rule-initiated EXECs orend-of-memory initiated EXECs


originating job name

For CICS messages, IMFSYSID contains the BBI Started Task name.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains the number of times this address space has already been extended by a Rule for CPU expired

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains the number of CPU seconds this address has already been extended by a Rule

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains the type of address space termination; valid values are NORMAL or ABNORMAL

Rule-initiated EXECs only


character text that caused the EXEC to be scheduled

For CICS TD events, the maximum length for IMFTEXT can be up to 512 characters. For all other message types, IMFTEXT is 125 characters.

all EXEC types


contains the user-specified value in the BSM Threshold Component field of the Alarm definition

The default value is the value from the field at the upper left of the view. You should specify the element name of the jobname field on the view. You can also specify a literal value that contains the name of the address space that generates the MainView Alarm.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains the time when the message was issued in HH:MM:SS format

Rule-initiated EXECs only


token ID of the message (same as hardcopy ID)

Used to attach MLWTO Minor/Major Lines. Valid only for messages captured through the Rule Processor.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains the sequential step number


The IMFSTEP variable is also populated.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains the subsystem ID (SSID) that selected job

Possible values are as follows: JES2, JES3, ASCH (APPC), OMVS, STC, or TSO. The value can also be the jobname if none of these apply the jobname is less than 4 characters long.

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains the type of expired time limit; valid values are as follows:

  • JCPU: job processor time limit expired

  • SCPU: step processor time limit expired

  • WAIT: Continuous Wait Time expired

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains the number of times this address space has already been extended by a Rule for Wait Time limit expired

Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains the number of seconds this address has already been extended by a Rule for Wait Time limit expired

Rule-initiated EXECs only


value of a SHARED variable when an event type VAR Rule fires

Rule-initiated EXECs only


name of the view associated with the alarm

Rule-initiated EXECs only


DOM ID associated with a WTO issued by IMFEXEC WTO command

all EXEC types


created when a reply is received successfully

The eight-character name of the console from which the reply to the WTOR was entered.

One of the possible uses for the IMFWTCON variable is that it enables you to direct reply WTOs specifically to the console where the user entered the reply to this WTOR.

all EXEC types


contains a two-character value that consists of the exact hexadecimal contents of the descriptor code field of the WQE (WQEDESCD) for a WTO

This variable is more useful in a Rule than an EXEC.

For example, if the WTO that caused the invoking rule contained descriptor codes 7 and 10, the value of this variable is:


To display the contents of the variable in an EXEC you could use the c2x() function. For example:

'IMFEXEC MSG 'Descriptor codes =' c2x(IMFXDESC)'''

Rules and Rule-initiated EXECs only


contains the name of the job or STC name of the task that invoked the AOAnywhere service

This variable is available for use from REXX EXECs and contains valid information only when the REXX EXEC is scheduled from an AOSUBX batch job. In all other cases, this variable contains a null or blank value.

AOSUBX batch jobs


contains the name of the original job or Started Task that requested the WTO to be issued by another address space

The contents of IMFXOJOB are only meaningful if the WTO is issued by another address space, otherwise its contents are identical to IMFOJOB.

MSG and HWTO event type Rules and Rule- initiated EXECs for the MSG and HWTO event type


contains a 16-character value that consists of the exact hexadecimal contents of the routing code field of the WQE (WQEERC) for a WTO

This variable is more useful in a Rule than an EXEC.

For example, if the WTO that caused the invoking rule contained route codes 13, 15 and 28, the value of this variable is:


To display the contents of the variable in an EXEC, you could use the c2x() function. For example:

'IMFEXEC MSG 'Route codes =' c2x(IMFXROUT)'''

Rules and Rule-initiated EXECs only


These variables are carried over to the TSO pool created for an EXEC that is called by using the IMFEXEC SELECT command with parameter WAIT(YES) specified.

See Invoking EXECs synchronously with IMFEXEC SELECT(EXEC) WAIT(YES) for more information about EXEC-initiated EXECs executing within the same thread.

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