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RTCS initialization member

This section presents the contents of the RTCS initialization member.

RTCS initialization member

|      Runtime Component System (RTCS) Initialization Parameters       |
|                                                                      |
| OSZ$PARM     Distributed in SMP/E distribution library .DOSZCNTL     |
| OSZ$PARM     Installed into SMP/E target       library .TOSZCNTL     |
| OSZINI00     Customized in the z/OS Logical PARMLIB data set         |
|                                                                      |
|              OSZ$PARM is customized by the installation and then     |
|              copied into the z/OS image Logical PARMLIB data set     |
|              (usually DSN=SYS1.PARMLIB). The RTCS Initiator will     |
|              attempt to locate and read the RTCS Initialization      |
|              Parameters member from an MVS Logical PARMLIB data      |
|              set (or SYS1.PARMLIB if no MVS image-specific data      |
|              set has been established).                              |
|                                                                      |
|              The default member name is OSZINI00, which can be       |
|              changed by specifying the INI=nn parameter in the       |
|              RTCS Initiator START command parameter field (the       |
|              4th positional parameter). For example:                 |
|                                                                      |
|                  START OSZINIT,,,(INI=42),SUB=MSTR                   |
|                                                                      |
== Runtime Component System (RTCS) Initialization Parameters ==
*         MVS Subsystem Name to be used by the RTCS Subsystem.
|            The MVS Subsystem Name (SSID, or Subsystem ID) that is to
|            be used by the RTCS Subsystem address space (OSZRTCS).
*         Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) Mode
NOIVP                            /* [NO]IVP                           */
|                In IVP mode, the RTCS Initiator performs all
|                normal parameter verification and processing
|                but does not START the RTCS Subsystem address
|                space.  IVP mode can also be specified in the
|                parameter field (the 4th positional parameter)
|                of the RTCS Initiator START command, as follows:
|                   START OSZINIT,,,(IVP=Y,LIST=Y)
|                If IVP mode is requested on the START command,
|                a specification of NOIVP in the Logical PARMLIB
|                member will NOT disable IVP mode. Once IVP mode
|                is in effect (either from the START command or
|                from this member), it cannot then be disabled by
|                specifying NOIVP (in this member).
*         RTCS Subsystem address space started task PROC name.
|                    If not specified, then the default is the same PROC
|                    name that was used to start the RTCS initiator with
|                    'RTCS' substituted for 'INIT', provided that 'INIT'
|                    appears in the RTCS Initiator PROC name. Else the
|                    default is OSZRTCS.
*         RTCS Generalized Server started task PROC name.
|                    If not specified, the default is the RTCS Subsystem
|                    PROC name with 'EXEC' substituted for 'RTCS',
|                    provided that 'RTCS' appears in the RTCS Subsystem
|                    PROC name. Else the default is OSZEXEC.
*         RTCS Product Program Library (.TOSZLINK, or a copy)
|                    If not specified, then this value will default to
|                    STEPLIB-DSName-prefix.[xosz]LINK, provided that the
|                    low-level qualifier of //STEPLIB is '.[xosz]RTCS'.
|                    Else the default is the same DSNAME as //STEPLIB.
*        RTCS Hypertext Document Library (.TOSZHTML, or a copy)
|                    If not specified, then this value will default to
|                    STEPLIB-DSName-prefix.[xosz]HTML, provided that the
|                    low-level qualifier of //STEPLIB is '.[xosz]RTCS'.
*        BMC Product (License) Authorization Table Library
|                    If not specified, then this value will default to
|                    STEPLIB-DSName-prefix.[xosz]PSWD, provided that the
|                    low-level qualifier of //STEPLIB is '.[xosz]RTCS'.
|                    The Product (License) Authorization Table Library
|                    is a partitioned data set that contains product
|                    license table members that are created & updated
|                    by the BMC Licensing Facility batch password
|                    processing utility, OSZPATLU, or by the legacy
|                    ISPF-based BMC product password update facility.

|                    If no RTCS-based licensed products are being used
|                    then this DD statement may define any partitioned
|                    data set.

|                    MainView CAS-based product-only customers should
|                    simply allocate an empty, DSORG=PO,RECFM=U PDS[E]
|                    for this production library.  The indicated data
|                    set will by dynamically allocated by the RTCS
|                    Initiator to ensure its existence and validity,
|                    but no MainView product will ever cause it to
|                    be subsequently dynamically allocated by the RTCS
|                    Subsystem or Generalized Server address spaces.
*        DSNAME of RTCS System Registry VSAM Linear Data Set (VLDS)

|            If not specified, then this value will default to
|            STEPLIB-DSName-prefix.REGISTRY, provided that the
|            low-level qualifier of //STEPLIB is '.[xosz]RTCS'.
|            Otherwise, there is no default, and this parameter
|            must be specified.
|            The System Registry contains configuration data for
|            RTCS, the MainView CAS, RTCS-based products, and any
|            RTCS-dependent product which has elected to use it.
|            It must be a VSAM Linear Data Set (VSAM LDS or VLDS).
|            The Registry data set MUST be cataloged, since it is
|            a VSAM cluster. It is allocated using only its DSNAME.
|            The System Registry VSAM LDS is read/write and cannot
|            physically be shared, although it may be allocated on
|            shared DASD. Only one RTCS Subsystem will be able to
|            allocate a VSAM LDS for use as a Registry because it
|            will be allocated DISP=OLD as required by the MVS DIV
|            service.
|            But the data in the System Registry VLDS can be shared
|            among members of a Sysplex using XCF. When the System
|            Registry is being shared among RTCS Subsystems running
|            in a Sysplex, then only one RTCS Subsystem will have
|            dynamically allocated the Registry VLDS. That system
|            is called the Local Owner. Other systems can access
|            data in the Registry (which is allocated to the Local
|            Owner) using XCF to transmit requests and retrieve the
|            the requested data in response. An RTCS Subsystem that
|            is accessing data in the System Registry on the Local
|            Owner via XCF is termed a Remote [Registry instance].

|            It is not recommended, but it is possible to have a
|            private, dedicated System Registry VLDS for each RTCS
|            Subsystem. But the MainView CAS will not be able to
|            share data with other CASs in the Sysplex if you do.
|            The first time an RTCS Subsystem becomes the Local
|            Owner of the VLDS and encounters a newly-allocated,
|            uninitialized, never-before-used Linear Data Set,
|            the RTCS Subsystem will initialize the contents of
|            the Registry, populating it with all the structures
|            required for RTCS Subsystem components and products.
*        System Registry DIV Services Default Performance Parameters
DIV-SAVE-MINIMUM =    1           /* DIV Services interval 1: minimum */
DIV-SAVE-MAXIMUM =    6           /* DIV Services interval 2: maximum */
DIV-SAVE-IDLE    =   60           /* DIV Services interval 3: idle    */
DIV-SAVE-LIMIT   = 4000           /* DIV Services batch update limit  */
|            The above parameters indicate the time that the Registry
|            DIV Services subtask will wait prior to requesting that
|            changes to the System Registry data space be hardened in
|            the backing VSAM LDS. After the VLDS is updated, it will
|            wait a minimum amount of time before the next request to
|            update the VLDS will again be made, but no longer than
|            the indicated maximum (after which a VLDS update will be
|            forced). If the Registry is idle (not being changed) but
|            potentially only being accessed [existing data retrieved],
|            then the DIV Services subtask will idle for the indicated
|            interval before waking up to check for pending requests.
|            The amount of time that pending Registry VLDS updates are
|            delayed is heuristically determined according to request
|            frequency and arrival pattern, and will never less than
|            the indicated minimum value, nor greater than the maximum.
|            Regardless of the enforced minimum and maximum intervals
|            that will cause the VLDS to be updated, if the number of
|            changes exceeds the specified limit then the backing VLDS
|            will be updated, hardening all pending changes on DASD.
|            A MINIMUM interval of zero (0) indicates that all changes
|            to the System Registry are to be immediately hardened in
|            the backing VSAM LDS, without waiting or attempting to
|            batch multiple changes together into a single update. We
|            recommend that you do NOT specify DIV-SAVE-MINIMUM = 0.

*        RTCS System Registry Sysplex Sharing Parameters
*        -----------------------------------------------
+ REGISTRY-XCF-GROUP = OSZRTCSR  /* System Registry XCF Group Name   */
                                 /* This parameter will be used only */
                                 /* if some form of Sysplex Registry */
                                 /* Sharing (see below) is specified.*/

 ELIGIBLE-OWNER                 /* This member is ELIGIBLE to       */
                                 /* ALLOCATE (and then EXPOSE)       */
                                 /* the System Registry VLDS.        */

                                 /* RTCS Subsystem XCF members which */
                                 /* are not eligible to own the RTCS */
                                 /* System Registry VLDS will not be */
                                 /* able to assist in recovery when  */
                                 /* the image that does own the      */
                                 /* Registry fails for any reason.   */
                                 /*                                  */
                                 /* RTCS Subsystems on small or      */
                                 /* slow MVS images should only      */
                                 /* remotely access an exposed       */
                                 /* System Registry and should       */
                                 /* not be eligible to allocate      */
                                 /* and expose/own the Registry.     */

*        RTCS System Registry Sysplex Sharing Options
*        --------------------------------------------
|        The following five options are mutually exclusive. Only
|        one of them should be specified without the 'NO' prefix.
|        The other four may be omitted (or specified with the 'NO'
|        prefix as illustrated below). If more than one positive
|        [not prefixed with 'NO'] option is specified, then the
|        most restrictive one will become effective. The Registry
|        sharing options are listed below in that precedence order
|        (the most restrictive first, the least restrictive last).
|        In other words, the first (in the order they are listed
|        below) positive (not prefixed with 'NO') option specified
|        is the one that will be effective and override any others.
NOPRIVATE-REGISTRY               /* Exclusively allocate the System  */
                                 /* Registry VLDS on this image but  */
                                 /* do not establish any capability  */
                                 /* to share it with other images.   */
                                 /* The Registry cannot subsequently */
                                 /* be exposed to other MVS images.  */
                                 /* If the System Registry VLDS can  */
                                 /* not be allocated DISP=OLD, then  */
                                 /* RTCS initialization will fail.   */

NOALLOC-REGISTRY                 /* ALLOCate the System Registry on  */
                                 /* this MVS image, but do not (yet) */
                                 /* EXPOSE it for the REMOTE images  */
                                 /* to be able to CONNECT to it. It  */
                                 /* can be exposed at a later time   */
                                 /* via an RTCS operator command.    */
                                 /* If the System Registry VLDS can  */
                                 /* not be allocated DISP=OLD, then  */
                                 /* RTCS initialization will fail.   */

NOEXPOSE-REGISTRY                /* ALLOCATE and EXPOSE the System   */
                                 /* Registry on this MVS image.      */
                                 /* If the System Registry VLDS can  */
                                 /* not be allocated DISP=OLD, then  */
                                 /* RTCS initialization will fail.   */

 SHARED-REGISTRY                /* Setup a REMOTE Registry on this  */
                                 /* MVS image, then CONNECT to the   */
                                 /* System Registry if it is already */
                                 /* EXPOSEd on another MVS image.    */
                                 /* If the Registry is not already   */
                                 /* EXPOSEd, then (if it has not yet */
                                 /* been ALLOCated) ALLOCATE and     */
                                 /* EXPOSE the System Registry on    */
                                 /* this MVS image (if possible).    */
                                 /* If the System Registry VLDS can  */
                                 /* not be allocated DISP=OLD or if  */
                                 /* this system is unable to CONNECT */
                                 /* to an already-EXPOSEd Registry   */
                                 /* on some other MVS image, then    */
                                 /* RTCS initialization will fail.   */

NOREMOTE-REGISTRY                /* CONNECT to a System Registry     */
                                 /* that has already been EXPOSEd    */
                                 /* on another MVS image.  If this   */
                                 /* system is unable to CONNECT to   */
                                 /* an EXPOSEd System Registry, then */
                                 /* RTCS initialization will fail.   */
*         External Security Manager (ESM) Type
|                    External Security Manager (ESM) that is in
|                    use on this MVS image and which RTCS is to
|                    interface with. The default, and the value
|                    which most installations should specify, is
|                    AUTO. RTCS is usually able to determine the
|                    ESM that is being used on an MVS image, but
|                    under certain circumstances, it cannot do so.
|                    If this situation occurs, you may explicitly
|                    indicate which ESM is (or will be) used on
|                    this MVS image using the ESMTYPE= parameter.
|                    ESMTYPE=  Description
|                    --------  -----------
|                    AUTO      RTCS is to automatically determine,
|                              if possible, which ESM is in use.
|                    RACF      RTCS is to assume RACF will be used.
|                    ACF2      RTCS is to assume ACF2 will be used.
|                    TSS       RTCS is to assume TSS (Top Secret)
|                              will be used.
*         Accept or reject attempts to use undefined ESM User IDs
|                    These two parameters specify the behavior
|                    when an undefined ESM User ID is provided
|                    (either by an end user or an application)
|                    as part of original system entry signon,
|                    or when attempting to inherit credentials
|                    on this image from an existing environment.
|                    The following values can be specified:
|                    Action    Description
|                    ------    -----------
|                    ACCEPT    RTCS is to allow the INHERIT or the
|                              SIGNON to proceed. RTCS or the ESM
|                              will provide a default User ID for
|                              the security environment that will
|                              be created as a consequence.
|                    REJECT    RTCS is disallow the INHERIT or the
|                              SIGNON.
|                    By default, RTCS allows INHERITs to proceed,
|                    since it would then be assumed that the User
|                    ID being presented was at least valid in the
|                    Sysplex or CASplex somewhere, and disallows
|                    SIGNONs with an undefined User ID, since it
|                    is usually the case that an invalid User ID
|                    (that is, one that is not defined) is never
|                    to be allowed.
*         Default ESM User ID used in place of an undefined one
+ DEFAULTUSERID='        '
|                    This parameter specifies the ESM User ID that
|                    is to be substituted for an undefined/invalid
|                    User ID presented for authentication, and the
|                    option, as appropriate, specifies ACCEPT, which
|                    indicates that the INHERIT or the SIGNON is to
|                    be allowed. The value of this parameter should
|                    usually be set to blanks, which triggers ESM-
|                    specific behavior to generate its own default
|                    User ID (USER, LOGONID, or ACID) according to
|                    well-documented ESM behavior or if allowed by
|                    ESM-specific security options and parameters.
*         How to process GROUP IDENT credential during an INHERIT
|                    This parameter specifies how the GROUP IDENT
|                    credential (GROUP name) is to be processed
|                    when a security identity is being INHERITed.
|                    The following values can be specified:
|                    Action    Description
|                    ------    -----------
|                    ALWAYS    RTCS is to pass the GROUP IDENT to
|                              the ESM unchanged. In order to be
|                              successful, the ESM must allow the
|                              use of that specific GROUP IDENT.
|                              In the case of RACF, specifically,
|                              this means that the User ID being
|                              INHERITed must be CONNECTed to the
|                              same, exact GROUP IDENT specified
|                              in the credentials in the RACF data
|                              base being used on this system image.
|                    NEVER     RTCS is to ignore any specification
|                              of a GROUP IDENT (GROUP name) in the
|                              authentication credentials presented
|                              when attempting to INHERIT a User ID.
*         ESM Security Interface diagnostic tracing
|                    This parameter specifies the default level of
|                    diagnostic tracing that is to be performed for
|                    the RTCS External Security Manager interface.
|                    The following values can be specified:
|                    Action    Description
|                    ------    -----------
|                    NONE      No ESM interface tracing is to be done.
|                    SIMPLE    Issue only simple trace messages.
|                    EXTENDED  Extended tracing is to be performed.
|                    COMPLETE  Complete tracing is to be performed.
|                    Security diagnostic tracing can be activated
|                    dynamically via an RTCS operator command, so
|                    NONE should normally be specified.  However,
|                    if there is a need to perform ESM diagnostic
|                    tracing during RTCS initialization, this can
|                    be initially activated using this parameter.
*         ESM SAF Subsystem (RACROUTE SUBSYS) to be used by RTCS
|                    This parameter specifies the RACROUTE SUBSYS
|                    (SAF Subsystem ID) that is to be used by the
|                    RTCS Security Manager. This value is normally
|                    required only when ACF2 is the indigenous ESM.
|                    If ACF2 has already been customized (for the
|                    MainView Security Service interface prior to
|                    release 6.0) to process RACROUTE invocations
|                    using a different SAF SUBSYS, such as BBI3,
|                    then that value may still be used, and should
|                    be specified here.
|                    The following values can be specified:
|                    SAFSUBSYS  Description
|                    ---------  -----------
|                    &SSID      The MVS SSID that was specified in
|                               this initialization member, or was
|                               provided as a default by RTCS.
|                    &PRODUCT   The internal (security) product
|                               name in whose product address space
|                               an ESM security environment is being
|                               created (via SIGNON or INHERIT).
|                    '' or ' '  Null, or one or more blanks: No
|                               SUBSYS= parameter is to be used
|                               on any SAF RACROUTE invocation.
|                    'xxxxxxxx' A specific RACROUTE SUBSYS= value,
|                               consisting of up to 8 characters.
|                    Under most circumstances, RACF and Top Secret
|                    will effectively ignore the RACROUTE SUBSYS=
|                    specification. However, a value may still be
|                    usefully provided here, since the SUBSYS can
|                    be used to filter requests to be traced when
|                    using the Top Secret SECTRACE facility (as
|                    well as the ACF2 SECTRACE facility), and to
|                    subset RACROUTE requests to be traced if an
|                    IBM or OEM vendor facility (using RACF exits)
|                    has been installed to facilitate such tracing.
|                    So, a suitable value should be provided, even
|                    if RACF or TSS is in use, simply in support
|                    of any existing ESM-level diagnostic tracing
|                    facility.
*         Default ESM RACROUTE system entry validation APPL ID
|                    This parameter specifies the RACROUTE APPL
|                    (application name) that is to be used as the
|                    default SAF APPLication by the RTCS Security
|                    Manager (if none is specified by the product
|                    or the caller does not have an RTCS product
|                    definition, or the definition in the product
|                    or System Registry is null or blanks).
|                    The following values can be specified:
|                    SAFSUBSYS  Description
|                    ---------  -----------
|                    &SSID      The MVS SSID that was specified in
|                               this initialization member, or was
|                               provided as a default by RTCS.
|                    &PRODUCT   The internal (security) product
|                               name in whose product address space
|                               an ESM security environment is being
|                               created (via SIGNON or INHERIT) or
|                               a resource being authorized.
|                    &PRDAPPL   The default product security APPL
|                               name, usually specified in the
|                               RTCS product definition in the
|                               package, or via the RTCS System
|                               Registry product, context, or
|                               server (instance) definition.
|                    '' or ' '  Null, or one or more blanks: No
|                               APPL= parameter is to be used
|                               on any SAF RACROUTE invocation.
|                    'xxxxxxxx' A specific RACROUTE APPL= value,
|                               consisting of up to 8 characters.

== Runtime Component System (RTCS) Initialization Parameters ==

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