The following is a sample run: ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************** 1. Give the permissions as mentioned below: chmod 777 Sample execution statements pasted below: ================================================================================================ 2. To see the usage of this script, please execute the following command: [root@vl-xyz-qa09 ~]# ./ --help setARHome [ARSInstallationPath] Specify all the parameters. Type --help to view how to use the script. ARSInstallationPath: ARS installation absolute path up to the parent directory of db folder. ================================================================================================ 3. If the .profile file exist, it gets updated with the BMC_AR_SYSTEM_HOME variable appended at the end of the it. [root@vl-xyz-qa09 ~]# ./ /data1/bmc/ARSystem .profile file exist, appending the BMC_AR_SYSTEM_HOME environment variable to it. [root@vl-xyz-qa09 ~]# cat .profile BMC_AR_SYSTEM_HOME=/data1/bmc/ARSystem export BMC_AR_SYSTEM_HOME ================================================================================================ 4. If the .profile file does not exist, it gets created with the entry of BMC_AR_SYSTEM_HOME variable. [root@vl-xyz-qa09 ~]# ./ /data1/bmc/ARSystem .profile file does not exist. Creating it with BMC_AR_SYSTEM_HOME environment variable entry. [root@vl-xyz-qa09 ~]# cat .profile BMC_AR_SYSTEM_HOME=/data1/bmc/ARSystem export BMC_AR_SYSTEM_HOME