Recover parameters

This topic describes the Recover parameters syntax used in the DROPRECOVERY statement.

During a drop recovery step, Log Master creates syntax that it passes to BMC AMI Recover. Using the syntax, BMC AMI Recover can recover a table space that has been dropped from the Db2 catalog.

The Recover parameters specify the values of some keywords in this syntax. The specific keywords of this definition relate to the output image copies that BMC AMI Recover can create as it recovers the table space.

Depending on the utility programs available in your environment, you might be able to recover a single dropped table space by using other methods (possibly with DSN1COPY). For more information, see DSN1COPY DATASET Output definition.


Directs Log Master to create SYSIN syntax that defines how BMC AMI Recover registers output image copies in SYSIBM.SYSCOPY within the Db2 catalog.

ALLSpecifies that all output image copies are registered in the SYSCOPY table.
NONESpecifies that none of the output image copies are registered in the SYSCOPY table.
( ddName ) Specifies a set of individual output image copies that are registered in the SYSCOPY table, using the DD statement name defined by ddname. To register multiple image copies, separate DD names with commas.

Directs Log Master to create SYSIN syntax that defines what DD names or DD name prefixes BMC AMI Recover uses to create local output image copies.


If a dropped table space has a clone table, Log Master directs BMC AMI Recover to use the same DD name prefix for output image copies of the clone table in the BMC AMI Recover syntax as is used for the dropped table space. In the DD name definition for the clone, be sure to define a data set name for the clone output that is different than the one for base table space OUTCOPY.

BMCCPYDirects BMC AMI Recover to use the default DD name prefix for local primary output image copies. If the table space has less than 100 partitions, BMC AMI Recover uses the characters BMCCPY, followed by a two-digit number. If the table space has 100 partitions or more, BMC AMI Recover uses the characters BMCCY and a three-digit number.
BMCCPZDirects BMC AMI Recover to use the default DD name prefix for local backup output image copies. If the table space has less than 100 partitions, BMC AMI Recover uses the characters BMCCPZ, followed by a two-digit number. If the table space has 100 partitions or more, BMC AMI Recover uses the characters BMCCZ and a three-digit number.
ddname01 | ddname02 Directs BMC AMI Recover to use exact DD names for local output image copies. Specify ddname01 for local primary image copies or ddname02 for local backup image copies.
ddprefix01 | ddprefix02Directs BMC AMI Recover to use DD name prefixes for local output image copies. Specify ddprefix01 for local primary image copies or ddprefix02 for local backup image copies.

Directs Log Master to create SYSIN syntax that defines what DD names or DD name prefixes BMC AMI Recover uses to create remote output image copies.

BMCRCYDirects BMC AMI Recover to use the default DD name prefix for remote primary output image copies. If the table space has less than 100 partitions, BMC AMI Recover uses the characters BMCRCY, followed by a two-digit number. If the table space has 100 partitions or more, BMC AMI Recover uses the characters BMCRY and a three-digit number.
BMCRCZDirects BMC AMI Recover to use the default DD name prefix for remote backup output image copies. If the table space has less than 100 partitions, BMC AMI Recover uses the characters BMCRCZ, followed by a two-digit number. If the table space has 100 partitions or more, BMC AMI Recover uses the characters BMCRZ and a three-digit number.
ddname03 | ddname04 Directs BMC AMI Recover to use exact DD names for remote output image copies. Specify ddname03 for remote primary image copies or ddname04 for remote backup image copies.
ddprefix03 | ddprefix04 Directs BMC AMI Recover to use DD name prefixes for remote output image copies. Specify ddprefix03 for remote primary image copies or ddprefix04 for remote backup image copies.
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