Log mark names

A log mark name represents a given point in the Db2 log.

A log mark name:

  • Can be up to 40 characters long

  • Can be any combination of alphanumeric or national characters

  • Can use periods to separate portions of the name

  • Is not qualified by Log Master with a user ID or a TSO prefix

  • Can use symbolic substitutions

Within a time frame, use existing (not newly created) log marks. You cannot create and refer to a log mark within the same run of Log Master.

You can enter log marks by using a numeric value appended to the log mark name. This technique enables you to reuse the same log mark name, and refer to specific log points by the numeric suffix. The suffix can be a relative or absolute generation. 

Relative generation

You can enter a log mark with a relative value for the numeric suffix. Use a generation suffix of zero (0) to refer to the most recent log mark. Refer to the previous generation of the log mark with the generation suffix of (-1), and so on. When you work with the product’s ongoing capabilities, it can be convenient to use relative generations with your log mark names.



Absolute generation

You can enter a log mark with an absolute value for the numeric suffix. Separate the suffix from the log mark name with a period.



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