This documentation supports the 20.08 version of Live Chat.
To view an earlier version, select the version from the Product version menu.

Cleaning up chat form data

You can clean up chat form data in Live Chat first by specifying the form that you want to clean up and second by creating a query to search for specific data. For example, you can create a custom record in the ES_Chat:AC_FormCleanup form to delete all ES_Chat:MasterChatRecord entries that are older than one year.

Live Chat ships with the following records enabled out-of-the-box:

  • Clean Agent Request Assignments—deletes chat record request assignments every 5 minutes
  • Clean Offline SelfService User Preferences—deletes offline user preferences every 1 day

Before you begin

Make sure that you understand:

  • advanced AR System searches
  • the exact data that you want to delete


Deleting data can have catastrophic results on your system if you delete the wrong data. Review the query results carefully to make sure that your query condition deletes only unwanted data. If you are satisfied that the correct data is returned by the query, then enable the record in the ES_Chat:AC_FormCleanup form.

To clean up chat form data

  1. In a web browser, open the ES_Chat:AC_FormCleanup form
  2. Enter the name of the custom record, for example, Clean Master Chat Record
  3. Temporarily set Status to Disabled
  4. Enter the name of the AR System form to query, for example, ES_Chat:MasterChatRecord
  5. Under Condition, enter the query, for example, 'Create Date' < "DATEDIFF"
    Use the format of any valid advanced AR System search. Live Chat includes a special keyword, DATEDIFF, for dynamic DATE queries. DATEDIFF is replaced by a date calculated from Days, Hours, and Minutes settings. The resulting exact query is displayed in the read-only Query field. 
  6. Enter DaysHours, or Minutes when the deletion should be run. For example, enter 5 to indicate you want to delete master chat records older than 5 days. 
  7. Click Save
  8. Review the entries returned by the query condition. 
  9. If you are satisfied that the correct chat records will be deleted by your custom query, set the Status to Enabled
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