This documentation applies to the 8.1 version of Remedy IT Service Management Suite, which is in "End of Version Support." You will not be able to leave comments.

To view the latest version, select the version from the Product version menu.

Upgrading BMC Remedy ITSM Process Designer

Review this topic when you are upgrading BMC Remedy ITSM Process Designer. It contains the following information:

Upgrading from BMC IT Service Management 7.6.04

If you are re-running PDICT as part of an upgrade from BMC Remedy IT Service Management 7.6.04 to BMC Remedy IT Service Management 8.0.00 (or later), and the previous Process Designer installation was performed in Best Practice Mode, pay particular attention to the overlaid views on the following forms, since they have changed between versions:

  • SRS:Request Details
  • HPD:Help Desk

Check all other forms or views listed in the PDICT log to confirm the layout is correct. Use the base view as a guide.

Upgrading from Abydos Designer 8.3.0 or earlier

Contact BMC Support for assistance with upgrading from Abydos Designer 8.3.0 or earlier.

Where to go from here

Upgrading Process Designer from 8.3.1 or 8.3.02

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
