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Troubleshooting data loads

Review the information in this topic If you encounter any of the following errors or error types:

ARERR 382 - Unique Index violations

This error usually occurs when you are importing records that have ID numbers that are numerically higher than the IDs that currently are being assigned by your system. Click here for information about what to do when this happens.

Load data errors

If load data errors are encountered, the Load Data Errors field in the Step Details information (Step window) for the Load step displays the errors. Click View/Save Compressed Error File to see the errors or save them.

Load data errors appear when a transformation (containing error handling) has trapped an error for specific data in a spreadsheet tab. These errors occur when a required field is missing or you have incorrect selection field values in your dataload spreadsheets. Each exception records the row, sheet, and error message trapped and outputs it to a spreadsheet.  Each spreadsheet tab is captured in its own Microsoft Excel file, and, at the end of a job, they can be zipped up and attached to the Load step.  

Load errors

These errors show in the Load Errors field in the Step Details information (Step window) for the Load step. Click View/Save Compressed Error File to see the errors or save them.

If load errors occur, before performing any other troubleshooting procedures, check that the rows in the named spreadsheet have the correct cell formatting applied, as shown in the following list:

  • Row 1: General
  • All other rows: Text


Errors caused by incorrect spreadsheet cell formatting can be common, especially if you have copied and pasted information from one spreadsheet to another.

Load errors appear when Atrium Integrator has encountered an error. Errors can range from a systematic Atrium Integrator issue (for example, connectivity issues) to an issue caused when inbound data has not been formatted as required (for example, invalid date formats in dataload spreadsheets). 


The level of detail provided in the Load Errors field is based on the log level specified in the Atrium Integrator jobs (specified from the Job Console if you are a DMT Admin).  To assist you with determining why load issues are occurring, you can alter this value to something more informational (Detailed, Debug, Rowlevel etc.) so that additional details can be passed back to the step load error.


If you are using the Debug level:

  • To minimize the volume of data and determine what the warning message is, copy the job in question and only use a subset of data in the spreadsheet.
  • Always reset this level back to its normal value of Minimal to reduce future performance concerns.
  • Ensure others are not loading data on the machine while you are debugging. It is easier to work with smaller sets of data when you are identifying issues.


If you run into a situation where a Load step is stuck in progress, verify that you have not selected the Disable Escalations server option as described at: Preparing BMC Remedy AR System to run the application.

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.


  1. David k Hill

    It would be great if this page also contained links to other levels of troubleshooting for UDM.
    This page kind of leave you hanging after checking your disabled Escalation settings.  Would be nice if there were a list of things to check when we have a Job that is in Progress (hung) and the Escalations setting is NOT disabled. 


    Feb 24, 2016 10:19
    1. Sirisha Dabiru

      Thanks for posting your comment. Will get back to you soon on this.

      Feb 25, 2016 01:35
    1. Sirisha Dabiru

      Hi David k Hill,

      The following topic lists the sequence to be followed for data loads:

      Overview of the data load process 

      The Troubleshooting section in this topic provides links to knowledge articles which include info about best practices and troubleshooting.

      Troubleshooting and Best Practices

      The following BMC knowledge articles provide valuable information about troubleshooting the Data Management feature and Data Management Best Practices.



      Sep 27, 2016 06:38
  2. David k Hill

    FYI:  I have a BMC Case opened on this very issue. 

    Mar 15, 2016 08:00