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Rules for moving CTMPeople records to BMC_Person class

This topic describes the rules that govern when the system moves a CTM:People record to the BMC_Person class. It also describes the rules used in the creation of the BMC_Person record.


When a new CTM:People record is created, an associated BMC_Person record is also created.


When the system deletes a CTM:People record, an associated record is generated within the BMC_Person class that must be reconciled with the corresponding production dataset record. Upon reconciliation, the Mark As Deleted field on the production dataset entry of the corresponding record is set to Yes.


When you modify an existing CTM:People record, the system performs a validation check to assess whether any of the fields represented within the BMC_Person class from CTM:People were modified. If none were modified, no action is taken. If any of the associated field values was modified, the system generates a new BMC_Person record.

The core fields used to determine a legitimate Modify action, which performs an associated update or synchronization to the BMC_Person class, are as follows:

  • Company
  • Person ID
  • Internet E-mail
  • Department
  • Region
  • Phone Number Fax
  • Phone Number Mobile
  • Phone Number Business
  • Middle Initial
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Site
  • Organization
  • Site Group
  • Corporate ID
  • Remedy Login ID
  • Profile Status

If any of these core fields is changed when modifying a people record, the system performs a synchronization to the CMDB BMC_Person class.

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
