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Installing BMC SIM and the BMC SIM plug-in

You must install the following BMC Service Impact Manager (BMC SIM) components:
  • SIM BMC Atrium CMDB extensions.
    The extensions are installed on the same computer as the BMC Atrium CMDB. You must install the BMC Atrium CMDB extensions for BMC SIM after you install BMC Atrium CMDB.
  • BMC Impact Manager (BMC IM).
  • BMC Impact Portal (BMC Portal).
  • BMC Impact Explorer (BMC IX).
    This is installed on the Portal system. Configure the mcell.dir file to include the cell that was installed with the portal.
  • BMC Impact Integration Web Services Server.


BMC Service Level Management (BMC SLM) will integrate with BMC SIM regardless of the order you install these products.

If you are integrating with an NGPv3 environment, follow the steps to install NGPv3 since it has a single installer for all of the SIM components. In addition, you do not need to install the SIM BMC Atrium CMDB extensions but will instead use the NGPv3 version of the CMDB extensions. For more information, see the documentation for NGPv3.

BMC Impact Integration Web Services Server is part of the BMC SIM installation and should be configured by the SIM administrator. For information about installing the BMC Impact Integration Web Server, see the installation and configuration documentation for BMC Impact Integration Web Services Server.

To install the BMC SIM plug-in

  1. Add a Collection Point in BMC SLM.
  2. Add a new Collection Node for BMC SIM. Point to the Impact Integration Web Services Server and cell.
  3. Update the application server port configuration.
    1. Using a text editor, open the *INTEG_INTSIMSLM_SLM%LandScape2.def* file.
      On Microsoft Windows, for example, this file is located by default in:
      C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BMC Service Level Management\simslm\workflow\en
    2. Replace all occurrences of localhost:8080 with <COLLECTOR_SERVER>:<NEW_PORT_NUMBER>


      If the <COLLECTOR_SERVER>:<NEW_PORT_NUMBER> is longer or shorter than 14 characters, then you must also modify the string length parameter of these lines in the .def file.

    3. Using BMC Remedy Developer Studio, import the INTEG_INTSIMSLM_SLM%LandScape2.def file to the BMC Remedy AR System server on which BMC SLM is installed.
      Make sure you select the Replace Objects on the Destination Server option when you perform the import operation.

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