This documentation applies to the 8.1 version of Remedy IT Service Management Suite, which is in "End of Version Support." You will not be able to leave comments.

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Designating a default carte server

You must define the default carte server in the UDM:Config form only if you are using BMC Remedy IT Service Management version 8.1.01. For versions later than 8.1.01, you should use the AR System Server Group Operation Ranking form to define the default carte server. For details, see Setting failover rankings for servers and operations.

If you are performing data imports in an environment that uses server groups, BMC recommends that you designate a default carte server, as described in this topic. When a default server is not specified, then data import jobs run on the server to which the user submitting the job is connected.  This means that jobs could be run on any server in the server group.

Designating a default server has the following benefits:

  1. By default, data import jobs are routed to a single, specified server.  This means that you always know on which server your data import jobs are running.
  2. You can route data import jobs to a server that is not accessed by the end users.  This type of routing helps to minimize the impact of the jobs on your end users.

You designate a default carte server from the UDM:Config form, as described in the following procedure.

To designate a default carte server

  1. Log in in to the sever that you want to designate as the default carte server using an ID with Admin privileges.
  2. From the BMC Remedy Mid Tier, open the UDM:Config form.
  3. From the list of Atrium Integrator Engine Servers at the top of the form, select the name of the server that you want to designate as the default carte server.
  4. Beside the Atrium Integrator Engine Server Name field, select the Is Default check box.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Restart the Plugin server to ensure the data load jobs recognize the update.


  • You can designate only one default carte server in a given server group.
  • When there is no default carte server, the system sends job requests to the server configured in the Atrium Integrator Engine Server Name field on the UDM:PermissionInfo form.
  • If the Atrium Integrator Engine Server Name field on the UDM:PermissionInfo form is empty, the system sends job requests to the local carte server.
  • If you change the default carte server designation, you must also restart the Plugin server. If you do not, the change is not recognized by the data load jobs.

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
