This documentation supports the 21.3 version of BMC Helix Innovation Studio.

To view an earlier version, select the version from the Product version menu.

Creating a Project using Maven and the Archetype

The smart bundle development involves development of an application or a smart library. All the code for an application or a library is packaged and deployed as a bundle deployment package. A bundle has a project structure in the development environment. 


  • Application development or smart library development must be done by using the developer account.
  • A developer account is set with an administrator role. The developer account does not require the domain identifier to log in. You can login to BMC Helix Innovation Studio with just the user name without the domain.

The following video (5:41) provides details on how to create a maven project using BMC Helix Innovation Studio SDK and IDE and how to deploy the project to your system.

The video shows an older version of BMC Helix Innovation Studio. The previous product name was BMC Helix Innovation Suite. Although there might be minor changes in the UI, the overall functionality remains the same.

To create a new project

To create a new application project or smart library project, use the Maven archetype with the BMC Helix Innovation Studio SDK. For your projects, decide where you want your project code to reside. We recommended that you do not place the project code at the BMC Helix Innovation Studio SDK location. For example, you can create a new directory projects in the root directory.

  1. On the command prompt, navigate to the directory to create project.
    For example: C:\projects
  2. Create a project for application development or library development. To create a project for application development, run the following command:

    mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.bmc.arsys -DarchetypeArtifactId=rx-sdk-archetype-application -DarchetypeCatalog=local


    Archetype ArgumentDescription


    Maven uses BMC archetypes


    This sets the POM file to create an application package and generates a working UI.


    Uses only the local catalog

    For more information on Maven archetype, see  Maven archetype plugin Open link  in Maven documentation.

  3. The command starts the archetype plugin in interactive mode and prompts for the property values.

    Enter the values for the following properties:

    PropertyDescriptionSample values for application developmentSample values for library development

    Project group ID. The ID usually follows the naming conventions of Java package names.

    Important: You must provide the Developer ID as the groupID value.

    Tip: We recommend that you do not use the com.bmc.dsm as your group id. The com.bmc.dsm group id is reserved for Lines of Business and BMC-specific bundles.


    Project ID that is used as a part of filename. It usually has a short name as the project is already name spaced by the groupId.


    The artifactId cannot be a combination of:

    '-' (hyphen) and numeric character. For example, work-order-lib-12 is not a valid artifactId.

    Upper case and lower case letters. For example, Work-Order-Lib is not a valid artifactId.

    For more information, see Naming conventions Open link in the Apache Maven documentation.


    Project version. You must provide the value in the following format:

    <major version>.<minor version>.<incremental version>-<qualifier>

    See Version number rules Open link in Maven documentation and Releasing a version of your bundle.


    Default Java package for the project. The default value is groupId value.

    isApplicationFlag to decide if you want to create an application or a library.truefalso

    Friendly name of the bundle. This is used by the archetype to display the name of the application on the login page and in the BMC Helix Innovation Studio.

    Suggestion BoxWork Order

    Flag to skip UI code generation.

    If the UI code generation is skipped, the Angular UI project is not generated, and you cannot create custom UI elements like Actions or View Components.

    This flag is useful if the application or library only contains custom java elements.


  4. Confirm the configuration of all the properties.

  5. If any third party dependencies, add the third party dependencies. See Using code from open source.

To set up the development server environment properties in the project pom.xml file

After you create the application (or smart library) project, you must modify the user credentials in the project pom.xml file.  

  1. Open the parent pom.xml file located in project folder. For example, projects\work-order-lib\pom.xml.
  2. Modify the properties section that specifies the environment information provided with your Development Server instance.

    <!-- START: Bundle specific configuration. Verify and Change as per environment -->
       <!-- Server name with Jetty port. -->
    <!-- END: Bundle specific configuration.-->

    The following table describes the properties in the pom.xml file:

    Property nameDescription
    Application developer that you create while requesting a sandbox.
    Application developer password.

    Value of this property determines the application development mode.

    Valid values:

    0—Base Development Mode.

    1—(Default) Best Practice Customization Mode

    We recommend you use Best Practice Customization Mode for developing your application.

    When you deploy the application for the first time, the overlayMode property determines how the application is deployed.

    If you develop the application in Base Development Mode (value 0), it is deployed in the Base Development Mode. Similarly if you develop the application in the Best Practice Customization Mode (value 1), the application is deployed in the Best Practice Customization Mode.

    For more information, see Customization layer.

    The webUrl of your sandbox. I
    For example:<8008>
  3. Save the changes.

To set up dependencies that are needed for your bundle

The dependencies on the other bundles are declared in the bundle\pom.xml file. You can use the following content for the rx-sdk.bundledependencies tag. The syntax is bundleid;version by using commas to separate each bundle.

		<!-- Comma separated Bundle Dependencies with version.  -->

Projects created by the archetype

The Maven archetype creates the following projects:

Parent project<artifactId>/
Bundle project<artifactId>/bundle/
Package project<artifactId>/package/

The application bundle project and the deployment package project have their own build system pre-generated in the form of a Maven POM file. You can import these projects in Eclipse to customize and debug the application or library.


Some Maven repositories may not be available over HTTP, so if your maven compilation fails due to the error, Return code is: 501, ReasonPhrase:HTTPS Required, then add the following entry in the <mirrors> section in Settings.xml file located in your <maven installation>/conf directory.

<name>Maven Central Repository</name>

Smart bundle attributes

Smart bundle (application or smart library) attributes and properties are defined in the project pom.xml file and bundle pom.xml file respectively.

The following table describes the project pom.xml file and bundle pom.xml file:

pom.xml fileDescriptionSample code
Project pom.xml file

The project pom.xml file consists of the smart bundle attributes. The attribute values are defined in the maven-bundle-plugin configuration. You can edit this file to modify the attribute values.

The following code snippet illustrates a sample maven-bundle-plugin configuration in the project pom.xml file:


Bundle pom.xml fileBy default the bundle pom.xml file consists of the properties that are used to define bundle specific values.You can edit this file to customize your smart bundle.

The following code snippet illustrates a sample properties configuration in the bundle pom.xml file:


The following table describes the smart bundle properties:

Smart bundle propertySample valueBundle descriptor methodpom.xml node in the maven-bundle-plugin sectionHow to define valueDefault valueRequiredDescription

Set property in the project\pom.xml file:


${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId}YesGlobally unique identifier for the bundle (i.e., Bundle Id)
Short NamelunchordergetName()<Bundle-Name>

Set property in the project\pom.xml file:


${project.artifactId}YesBundle short name. Not a friendly name.
Friendly NameLunch OrdergetFriendlyName()<RxBundle-FriendlyName>

Set property in the project\pom.xml file:

${}YesFriendly bundle name.
DescriptionAn application which allows users to place lunch orders.getDescription()<Bundle-Description>

Set property in the project\pom.xml file:


${project.description}YesFriendly long description of bundle. Derived during project creation.

Set property in the project\pom.xml file:


${version}YesVersion of the bundle
Developer IDcom.bmcdeveloperId()<Bundle-Vendor>

Set property in the project\pom.xml file:


${project.groupId}YesId of bundle author. Not a friendly name.
Developer NameBMC SoftwaregetDeveloperName()<RxBundle-DeveloperName>

Directly add <RxBundle-DeveloperName> node to the maven-bundle-plugin configuration

${project.groupId}NoFriendly name of developer. Not in archetype or manifest by default.
Is Application?truegetIsApplication()<RxBundle-IsApplication>

Set property in the project\pom.xml file:


<based on archetype used> Yes
Smart Bundle Dependenciescom.bmc.arsys.rx.standardlib;1.0,com.bmc.arsys.rx.approval;2.0getBependentBundles()<RxBundle-Dependencies>Directly add <RxBundle-Dependencies> node to the maven-bundle-plugin configurationstandardlib;9.5.00-SNAPSHOT

Where to go from here

Deploying your Digital Service application for the first time to start working in BMC Helix Innovation Studio

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